In the will of the Lord, we are looking forward to pitching the Gospel Tent once again in Bicester in Summer 2025.
More details will be confirmed and released nearer the time.
Over the years in Bicester since the 1960s, a marquee tent has been pitched in the Bicester vicinity for the preaching of the Gospel. Below are some photos of previous tent campaigns held in Bicester over the years, many of which we can look back to as seasons of blessing in salvation. Enjoy!
Invitation to one of the first tent campaigns with Ben Sutton in the late 1960s
The Gospel Tent pitched in 1968 on the Banbury Road. Today the site is the carpark for the Gospel Hall.
1960s Invite to tent campaign with Ben Sutton
2001 Tent Campaign with Norman Mellish (Stoke-On-Trent) and Peter Orasuk (PEI, Canada)
Peter Orasuk preaching in the Gospel Tent
2006 Tent Meetings with Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA)
2006 – outside the Gospel Tent, pitched on Kingsclere Rd, Kings End.
2007 Tent Meetings with Elton Fairfield (Japan) and John McCann (Brazil)
2008 Tent with Aaron Colgan (Magherafelt, NI) and John Stubbs (Mayfield, Scotland) pitched in Kings End.
2009 Gospel Tent Evangelists Wesley Martin (Ballymena, NI) and Tommy Wright (Brazil)
2010 Tent Meetings with Frank Soon (Iowa) and Marvin Derksen (Newfoundland)
2012 Tent Meetings in Kings End with Terry Topley (Ireland) and Dan Gillies (Scotland). Pictured is a concurrent children’s week that took place with the tent packed!
2012 – Wesley preaching in the Tent
2013 Tent Meetings – Mark Thomas (who gave his testimony), Tom West (Bicester, UK) and Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA)
2013 Tent Meetings – Inside The Tent
2014 Tent Meetings with Ian Jackson (Eastbourne)
2015 Tent Meetings with John Rogers and Tom Armstrong (both NI)
2016 Tent Meetings with Frank Sona (Iowa) and Andrew Steele (NI)
2018 Tent Meetings with Craig Munro (Scotland) and Clive Barber (Australia)
2019 Tent Meetings with John Fleck (Buckna, NI) and Andrew Steele (Ballymena, NI)
2020 – Due to COVID-19 Restrictions, Drive In Meetings took place in lieu of the Gospel Tent with Local Brethren speaking.
2021 – Drive In Meetings with Ian Jackson (Eastbourne) and Cameron Piper (North Leigh)
2022 – Drive In Meetings with Eugene Higgins (USA), James Cartwright and Joel Lacey (UK)