John Grant’s Complete Set of 96 Bible Charts

John Grant was born in Glasgow, Scotland into a Christian family. At eighteen years of age he was received into assembly fellowship in Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire. In 1991 he left secular employment to engage “full time” in the preaching of the gospel and the teaching of the Word of God, and laboured throughout the United Kingdom, North America, and the Far East. He was the editor of the Believer’s Magazine from 1999 for 17 years, and was the author of “Living…

The Two Roads and Two Destinies Chart

Below is a PDF copy of the infamous ‘Two Roads’ Chart was has been used worldwide in gospel and evangelistic efforts. Which Road Are You On? CLICK TO DOWNLOAD, VIEW OR SHARE A PDF COPY OF THE TWO ROADS CHART

A Premillennial, Dispensational Chart of Bible Prophecy

A chart giving an overview of Bible prophesy from the beginning of “the times of the Gentiles” until the beginning of the new heavens and the new earth in the eternal state. This chart take a dispensational view of eschatology and is therefore pre-tribulational and pre-millennial. CLICK HERE TO VIEW, DOWNLOAD OR SHARE A PDF OF THE DISPENSATIONAL BIBLE PROPHECY CHART Below is a picture of the physical chart in use in Hebron Gospel Hall, during a series of meetings…

Jonathan Black’s Bible Book Charts

Full-colour illustrated charts for the books of the Bible by Jonathan Black. Click on each book to view, download or share a PDF of each one. New one added every quarter. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 & 2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEsther All of the above charts were originally published in Precious Seed Magazine and are © Precious Seed 2022. (Used with permission)

Assembly Life Experiences by “An Old Disciple”

This book preserves the unique and fascinating record of a group of Christians who were converted in the 1859 revival in Scotland. Through reading their Bibles they correctly concluded that clerisy and denominationalism were unscriptural, and they were led of the Lord to meet together to break bread and depend on Him for gifting and leadership. How the Lord led them and taught them, often through times of difficulty and danger, makes for enlightening and heart-warming reading. Most chapters of…

“The Outlined Bible” by Robert Lee

In The Outlined Bible, Robert Lee devotes one page to each of the 66 books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and gives an outline of each book, noting key themes and words and giving the necessary background information about the author, the audience and the purpose in writing. This has been one of the most downloaded items on our website over the years.