The Positions in the Kingdom (41 mins)

In a heart-felt and searching message, Iain Lewis closes the teaching weekend by preaching on God’s Rewards and the Positions in the Kingdom. After explaining and defining what rewards look like. He looks at the character of reward and the cause of reward. Iain explains clearly to the audience that God’s reward will be positional and public. He urges with audience to consider that how they treat the scriptures will affect their position in the kingdom. Iain moves on to look at the cause of reward, helpfully expositing Matthew 6, showing that we will be rewarded for suffering in life, sincerity in giving and singularity in life. Iain brings all 5 sessions of teaching to a magnificent climax by looking at Matthew 6:33 – “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”, closing the series of meetings on a profoundly challenging note as to the immediate relevance of the Kingdom today.