2007 Easter Conference

Distinctive Assembly Principles

Easter Conference 2007 – Sandy Higgins gives clear and comprehensive teaching on the distinctive principles of a New Testament assembly, outlining all of its basic essential features and functions. (Preached: 9th April 2007)

The Righteousness of God

Easter Conference 2007 – Ian Jackson expounds on the righteousness of God from the epistle to the Romans and gives an excellent 50 minute explanation of how the gospel should be preached. (Preached: 9th April 2007)

Help Lord, The Godly Man Ceaseth

Easter Conference 2007 – Ian Jackson preaches a stirring and challenging message on ‘the godly man’ and how to live a godly life from the text, “Help Lord for the godly man ceaseth” – Psalm 12:1. Well worth a listen. Only one life ’twill soon be passed, only what’s done for Christ will last. (Preached: 9th April 2007)

How to Order a Godly Home

Easter Conference 2007 – Sandy Higgins gives 45 minutes of wise counsel on how to order a godly home. Basing his remarks on the home of Zacharias and Elizabeth from Luke 1, Sandy touches on personal spirituality, finding a partner in life, the roles of men and women, and the raising of children. Sandy brings many years of experience to this vital subject, as a father, doctor and assembly elder. (Preached: 9th April 2007)

Developing a Christian Worldview

Easter Conference 2007 – Sandy Higgins preaches on the importance of developing a true ‘Christian worldview’. It’s vital to understand that the world looks at life totally differently from the way in which a Christian should. (Preached: 8th April 2007)

Difficulties in Building for God

Easter Conference 2007 – Sandy Higgins preaches on ‘difficulties in building for God’ from the book of Nehemiah. He draws parallels between the problems Nehemiah faced and those we face today in building up local assemblies. (Preached: 8th April 2007)

“That They May Be One”

Easter Conference 2007 – Ian Jackson preaches on the meaning of the statement ‘That they may be one’ (from John 17) and gives a much-needed warning against the Ecumenical Movement, which misuses this statement of Christ. (Preached: 7th April 2007)

An Overview of Philippians

Easter Conference 2007 – Sandy Higgins gives an overview of Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. This is a masterly treatment of the epistle and will open up the chapters to the listener in a clear and helpful manner. (Preached: 5th April 2007)