Sermons by Aaron Colgan

Sermons by Aaron Colgan

Moses the Intercessor (28 mins)

Aaron Colgan preaches on “Moses the intercessor” from Exod 32. He outlines the 3 oft-repeated “steps away from God” taken by people throughout history, and likens the dreadful condition of Israel at the base of Mount Sinai (worshipping the golden calf) to the condition of our nation today. How Aaron and Moses reacted to this crisis revealed the difference between compromise on the one hand and godly firm leadership on the other (Message preached 27th April 2017)

Aaron Colgan’s Testimony of Salvation (21 mins)

Aaron Colgan relates the story of how God saved him as a teenager back in the 1980’s. Though brought up hearing the Word of God, Aaron rebelled against the gospel and took up with the pleasures of the world, living for a number of years with no thought about his soul’s salvation. But God spoke to him once more and brought him to faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Readings: Eph 2:8-9, Rev 21:7 (Testimony given Saturday 30th…