2018 Gospel Tent

Gospel Tent: “The Heart” (40 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2018 – Clive Barber preaches on the “heart of man”. Among other things, he highlights the sinfulness of the heart and the danger of hardening it, instead of obeying the gospel. Craig Munro continues the theme of the heart, starting in Jer 17:9 where the heart is described as “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” (Messages preached 3rd July 2018)

Gospel Tent ’18: “The Sower” and “The Centurion” (43 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2018 – Craig Munro preaches on the parable of the sower and the 4 types of ground found therein, representing hearers who are 1. disinterested, 2 disillusioned, 3 distracted or 4 determined. Clive Barber continues with a look at the Roman centurion who at the cross found a worthy, welcoming and wonderful Saviour in Christ (Messages preached Fri 22nd June 2018)

Gospel Tent ’18: “The Lost Sheep” and “Judas” (47 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2018 – Craig Munro preaches on the one lost sheep from Luke 15 and the lengths to which the Shepherd went to find it and bring it home. Clive Barber preaches on the tragic character of Judas – a privileged man whose pride and play-acting finally caught up with him. Are you, like Judas, “going to hell with your eyes open”? (Messages preached Tue 19th June 2018)

Gospel Tent ’18: “Mary the mother of Jesus” and “Division at the cross” (49 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2018 – Clive Barber preaches about Mary the mother of Jesus. He explains her unique role, and how she was saved, as well as why the Lord deliberately sent her away from the cross early. If you are a Roman Catholic you will find this a very helpful message. Craig Munro continues on the theme and describes various “divisions at the cross”. He challenges his audience to face up to where they stand (Messages preached Mon 18th June…

Gospel Tent ’18: “The Great Physician” and “Mary at the cross” (43 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2018 – Craig Munro preaches on Christ the great physician who is compassionate, able and willing to cure people of the sickness of sin if they are willing to take the remedy of repentance and faith in Christ alone. Clive Barber closes with a look at how Christ saved Mary Magdalene, a delivered woman who stood at the foot of the cross (Messages preached Sun 17th June 2018)