2024 Gospel Tent (Page 2)

2024 Gospel Tent (Page 2)

Gospel Tent ’24: “We preach Christ crucified” and “Christ died for our sins” (47 mins)

Jack helpfully preaches the core of the gospel message – Christ crucified. Having suffered the punishment for our sins on the cross, Jesus Christ can save us from our sins. Have you been saved from your sins? Have you trusted Jesus Christ for salvation? Gene preaches what the apostle Paul preached first of all, that Christ died for our sins and rose again. He also expands on what Paul saw last of all, knew best of all, and enjoyed most…

Gospel Tent ’24: “Where are you going?” and “Consider your ways” (42 mins)

In the first session of 2024’s Gospel Tent, Gene Higgins and Jack Hay dovetailed their preaching, challenging the audience on their ways. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus describes two ways – the broad way and the narrow way. One leads to destruction, the other way leads to life everlasting…which way are you on? Furthermore, Jack urged the listener to consider their ways and to consider the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of sinners, asking the important question…have you been…
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