Basic Assembly Principles

Singing and Worship

PART 6 – John Dennison give helpful ministry on worship in the context of assembly gatherings. After explaining the meaning and motive for worship, he points out the change the Lord Jesus announced in John Ch 4 and the ramifications for worship in our current era. He spends the rest of the message giving scriptural backing for the format of the open worship (singing, giving thanks, praying etc) at the breaking of bread meeting, and gives practical encouragement for those…

Headship and the Head Covering

PART 4 – John Dennison works his way down 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 (and 1 Cor 14:33-36) and deals with the Biblical subject of “the hierarchy of headship”, explaining 1. what it means for male and female roles in the local assembly and 2. how its symbolic display is seen in head coverings and hair length. He shows clearly that head coverings are not a “cultural issue” but rather something required of assemblies in all cultures, times and places. He explains…

Assembly Reception and Letters of Commendation

PART 5 – John Dennison preaches on the topic of “assembly reception” or “coming into fellowship” in an assembly. He outlines the 4 key verbs in Acts 2:41-42 – “received” his Word, were “baptised”, were “added” and “continued”. He expounds the three reasons why a person can be refused fellowship, and the three ways someone can be received into fellowship. Finally he makes a persuasive case for the use of distinct seating at the Lord’s Supper for those who have…

What is Assembly Fellowship?

PART 3 – John Dennison asks the question “What is assembly fellowship?” He distinguishes between different kinds of fellowship in the Bible, each one of which involves three distinct things: partnership, partnering and partners. He then makes a persuasive case that a local assembly of God is a “doctrinal fellowship”. In other words, at its root assembly fellowship is neither a social experience nor a subjective experience but an objective reality; and what will determine if I am in fellowship…

The Lord’s Supper

PART 2 – John Dennison sets out the Biblical precepts, principles and practices that inform our understanding of the Lord’s Supper or the “breaking of bread”. The Bible’s teaching on the Lord’s Supper isn’t just “narrative”, it’s “normative”! So, why must the bread precede the cup? Why only one loaf and only one cup? Why on the first day of the week, every week? Why not on board a cruise ship while on holiday? And…should the bread be unleavened? John…

Cross Cultural Evangelism

PART 1 – Opening a teaching weekend on basic assembly principles, John Dennison speaks on the need for Christians to engage in cross-cultural evangelism as we seek to see people saved, baptised and gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus in today’s “global culture” –  a culture marked by mass emigration, migration and immigration. He gives examples from years of labour in Mexico and Arizona (USA) as he reports on what the Lord has done through the preaching of…