Biblical Relationships

Biblical Relationships

Masters and Servants (41 mins)

Josh Jacob outlines the Bible’s teaching on the relationship between servants and masters, or as we would now say “employers and employees”. Biblical guidelines for maintaining a good testimony in the wordplace (2007)

Elders and the Flock (50 mins)

Marcus Hall outlines the Bible’s teaching on the relationship between assembly elders and the flock over which then Holy Spirit has made them overseers. A vital, warm and discerning message from an experienced elder (2007)

God and Man (42 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on various aspects of the relationship between God and man. Personal Christianity rises or falls on the reality or otherwise of this vital, all-important and primary relationship (2007)

Husbands and Wives (48 mins)

Relationships (Part 1) – John Salisbury outlines the Bible’s teaching on the nature, purpose and function of the husband and wife relationship. A Biblical restatement of this foundational, important and creatorial issue is vital and is carefully expounded here (2007)