Expositions in Titus

Expositions in Titus

Exposition of Titus Chapter 2 (47 mins)

Expositing the second chapter of Titus, Paul McCauley brings before his audience the instructions, inspiration and insistence for godly Christian living. Examining the various groups of people presented in the chapter, Paul inspects what godly characteristics should mark believers in their different roles and vocations. Paul tackles head-on the issue of the role of women in this chapter and puts forward a clear biblical argument regarding the role of women and teaching.

Exposition of Titus Chapter 1 (46 mins)

PART 1 – Paul McCauley opens up a series of ministry meetings expositing the letter to Titus. Placing the epistle in the wider biblical and cultural context, Paul provides an outline and structure of the book as a whole, before dealing with the first chapter. Expositing it in a helpful manner, Paul mainly deals with various qualifications for a shepherd or overseer.