Focus on Evangelism

Focus on Evangelism

Witnessing to the “Religious but Lost” (43 mins)

 Jonathan Black gives guidance on effective ways to reach people who are “religious but lost” – the kinds of people who respond to a gospel approach with “No thanks, I have my own religion/church”, or “I’ve always been a Christian”, or “I was born a Christian”. After looking at the UK religious scene statistically, Jonathan outlines scriptural evangelistic responses to give to those who  may profess a belief in God and the Bible, but who know nothing of God’s salvation…

Witnessing to Hindus (48 mins)

Josh Jacob begins by looking at how the West has been infiltrated by Hindu philosophy repackaged as visualisation, yoga, quantum healing and much else. He traces the history of this phenomenon back to the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in 1893, up through the Beatles in the 1960’s, through to today. He explains Hindu concepts such as Karma, Moksha, Nirvana and Maya and exposes the deception through the prism of Genesis Ch 3. Finally he explains certain features of Indian/Hindu culture…

Witnessing to Muslims (40 mins)

Andrew Mullan gives guidance, from some years of experience, on witnessing to Muslims. He approaches the topic under 4 headings: 1. Building relationships, 2. Engaging the conscience, 3. Preparing responses, 4. Understanding the Islamic mindset. We need to overcome our fear of engaging Islam and with patience seek to bring the truth of God’s word to this needy audience. Andrew explains how Muslims think, and gives ideas and strategies for how to effectively evangelise them (Readings: 2 Cor 5:14, Rom…

One to One Witnessing (42 mins)

 Eric Baijal encourages all believers to be personal witnesses. We have not fulfilled the great commission by merely attending a Sunday evening gospel meeting! We should be personally bringing the gospel into our street, our workplace and our circle of friends and contacts. We can do this by using opportunities (Acts 11:19-21), using hospitality (Acts 18:24-28) and using “prophecy” (Acts 8:26-39). In doing so we should be prayerful, intentional and walking in fellowship with the Lord – so that we…

Sunday School Work (41 mins)

Based on over 25 years of experience in full time work mainly among children and young people, Robert Plant gives helpful guidance about how to conduct Sunday Schools and ‘children’s meetings’. Most importantly, Robert emphasises that our foundation must be the Word of God, with the salvation of the young as the ultimate goal. Then, among other things, Robert gives tips on behaviour management, on maintaining children’s attention, and on the use of object lessons. Readings: Joel 3:3, 1 Sam…

Motivations and Hindrances (47 mins)

Cameron Piper preaches on “motivations and hindrances” in gospel work. He highlights two main motivations: the glory of God and, love for souls. Among the hindrances he highlights are; being too busy, becoming too tied up with financial commitments, fear of embarrassment, laziness, uncleanness and prayerlessness. A challenging message (Message preached 8th Sept 2019)

The Call (38 mins)

 Josh Jacob preaches on the urgent and scriptural requirement for every single believer to be interested in and to actively pursue the salvation of others. After speaking on the value of “one soul” Josh looks at the programme, passion, power and promise contained in Psalm 126:6 “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Message preached 1st Sept 2019)