Gospel Hymn Singing

Gospel Tent Hymn Singing – Part 2 (42 mins)

GOSPEL TENT SINGING 2013 – 42 minutes of gospel hymn singing, including “O What Will You Do with Jesus”, “Through My Hand No Nail is Driven”, “God is Love His Word has Said it”, “Down at the Cross Where My Saviour Died”, “Will Your Anchor Hold”, “O What a Saviour is Jesus the Lord”, “Down from the Splendour of His Everlasting Throne”, “I’ve a Soul to be Saved”, “If I Gained the World But Lost the Saviour”, “In Loving Kindness…

Gospel Tent Hymn Singing – Part 1 (46 mins)

GOSPEL TENT SINGING 2013 – 46 minutes of gospel hymn singing, including “There’s A Story Ever New”, “I Once Was Bound by Satan’s Chains”, “Crowned with Thorns Upon the Tree”, “Sinner Turn and Come to Jesus”, “No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus”, “O Christ in Thee My Soul Hath Found”, “They Nailed My Lord Upon the Tree”, “The Cross The Cross the Wondrous Cross”, “O Sweet is the Story of Jesus”, “Years I Spent in Vanity and Pride”,…

Gospel Hymn Singing (63 mins)

63 minutes of gospel hymns from gospel meetings in 2007-08. Includes “It’s All Taken Away”, “Christ Is The Saviour of Sinners”, “Come Every Soul By Sin Oppressed”, “Down From The Glory”, “Down From The Splendour of His Everlasting Throne”, “Give me a Sight O Saviour”, “Jesus Dying on the Tree”, “Jesus My Saviour to Bethlehem Came”, “O Sweet is the Story of Jesus”, “On Calvary’s Brow”, “Our Sins on Christ Were Laid”,  “The Lamb of God for Sinners Died”, “There…