Guidelines for Godliness

Guidelines for Godliness P4 – Godliness Demonstrated in Our Lives (56 mins)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “godliness demonstrated in a fruitful Christian life” under 3 headings: desiring fruit, defining fruit and developing fruit. God is looking for fruit in our lives, but this should not be defined in terms of mere activity. It is primarily an issue of character development as Christ is formed in each believer and the fruits of the Spirit are manifested – and not by human efforts, but by divine working (Message preached 15th Mar 2015)

Guidelines for Godliness P3 – Godliness Denoted (56 mins)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “godliness in womanhood”. While men and women are equal in essence and equal in spiritual standing as justified before God, in the order of headship God has outlined different roles for male and female. Though not given a public role in the local assembly, Andrew shows from 1 Tim 5:9-10 & 14 that “women professing godliness” have a vital and significant role to play, a role esteemed and valued by the Lord (Message preached 14th Mar…

Guidelines for Godliness P2 – Godliness Developed (50 mins)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “godliness developed in the lives of believers”. He outlines his remarks under 3 headings: the pursuit, promise and practice of godliness. Godliness isn’t automatic! While believers must flee from the manifestations of the flesh, they must actively pursue godliness (1 Tim 6:11). Christians are encouraged to see that godliness is not only of value in the life which is to come, but also in “the life that now is” (1 Tim 4:8) (Message preached 14th Mar…

Guidelines for Godliness P1 – Godliness Defined (56 mins)

Andrew Ussher introduces the subject of godliness, which he defines as “the character of God demonstrated in living human experience”. Taking up 1 Tim 3:16 he shows how the character of God was revealed in the person and life of Christ as it had never been seen before, hence “the mystery of godliness”. He closes with a look at some of the “fruits of the Spirit” in the Lord’s life – My joy, My peace, My love (Message preached 13th…