How We Got Our Bible

How We Got Our Bible

Applying the Bible (50 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on how to live out the Bible in one’s life. The Word of God is our sole guide. It informs our circumstances, our service and our worship – which will only be scriptural if we submit to God’s Word. He expands on worship to discuss Contemportary Christian Music (CCM) which is unfitting for 4 reasons. It borrows worldly rhythms, it is ecumenical in its message, it is assocated with the charismatic movement, and it employs unscriptural lyrics.…

Investigating the Bible (43 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on “investigating the Bible” under three headings – 1. Why come to the Bible? 2. Welcoming the Bible, and 3. Working through the Bible. He gives helpful general hints about basic considerations in Bible study including the student’s attitude, diligence, attention to detail and prayerful response. In Bible study – look for God, learn about Christ, listen to the Spirit and “live it out” (Message preached 11th Mar 2018)

Which Bible Translation Should I Use? (45 mins)

Jonathan Black speaks on the topic of English Bible translations and how to use and evaluate them with wisdom and care. He discusses numerous issues including faithfulness to the Greek and Hebrew scriptures, the use of italics, doctrinal soundness and accuracy of translation. He gives a number of examples of variation in translation – some good and some bad – and makes a number of suggestions to guide believers in this important area (Message preached 25th Feb 2018)

Canonisation (34 mins)

 Dan Rudge explains why there are 66 books in the Bible, and only 66. How did these books qualify for entry into the “canon of Scriture”? What principles determined their selection? Are we sure we have the correct number and assortment of Bible books? What about the apocrypha and other “gospels” that are not in the Bible? These are other questions are answered in this helpful message (Message preached 4th Feb 2018)

Preservation and Transmission (42 mins)

Josh Jacob traces the chain of movement from God to man – revelation, inspiration, inscripturation, preservation, transmission, canonisation and translation. Then he homes in on how the originals have been preserved. He compares the number, accuracy and dates of hand-written Greek and Hebrew Bible manuscripts with what is available for other ancient works of literature, and finds the Bible to be the best attested ancient book in the history of mankind (Message preached 28th Jan 2018)

Inspiration and Inscripturation (38 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook expounds the truth of the “inspiration of Scripture”, basing his remarks on the two relevant and crucial New Testament passages – 2 Tim 3:15-17 and 2 Pet 1:19-21. What is “inspiration”? Are the actual words inspired, or just the thoughts and ideas they embody? These and other questions are examined as Peter defends with verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible (Message preached 21st Jan 2018)