The Life and Times of Joshua
Joshua – The Destruction of the Canaanites (26 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on the issue of the “moral dilemma” posed by Israel’s destruction of the Canaanites in the time of Joshua. How could a “God of love” have commanded such a thing? In a well-reasoned Biblical response, Dan highlights the holy character and long-suffering nature of God, and the sovereign way in which He visited judgment on the sins of the Canaanites, but also later visited the same judgment on Israel when they sinned in like manner (Message preached…
Joshua – Conquering the Land (25 mins)
Josh Jacob preaches on the three major phases of Israel’s conquest of Canaan. The destruction of Jericho – a picture of overcoming the world. The 5 southern Kings who were put in a cave – a picture of overcoming the flesh. The northern alliance under Jabin – a picture of overcoming the devil. These are the Christian’s three enemies and scriptural strategies for overcoming them are outlined in this message (Message preached 12th Apr 2015)
Joshua – Conquest of Jericho (26 mins)
Joshua Jacob preaches on the conquest of Jericho and the salvation of Rahab. Rahab’s deliverance is a unique example of the grace and mercy of God to sinners. The scarlet thread, the promise of the spies and the blowing of the trumpets are all given a gospel application. Some interesting footnotes about Jericho and archaeology are included in this message (Message preached 8th Mar 2015)
Joshua – His Call and Character (26 mins)
Josh Jacob introduces the character of Joshua, the successor of Moses, who led the children of Israel into their inheritance. A slave in Egypt, a servant to Moses, a spy searching out the land and a soldier in battle. From various aspects of Joshua’s life and labour we learn practical lessons about leadership and the passing of the torch to the next generation. (Message preached 8th Feb 2015)