The Principles of Separation

The Principles of Separation

Separation Unto God (36 mins)

Joshua Jacob points us to the God of holiness who calls us to Himself in separation. A comprehension of the holy God who has separated us to Himself (Psa 4:3) will save us from holding the doctrine of separation merely as a dry cold fact. Rather, in the words of the hymn writer, “The things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace”. The Lord is looking for dedicated, separated servants to “stand in…

Outside the Camp (45 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the subject of “ecclesiastical separation” from Hebrews 13:9-16, highlighting the exhortation to Christians to come “outside the camp”. He applies these words about the ancient camp of Judaism to the need for believers and assemblies today be separate from the religious confusion and error of the ecumenical movement – notably the World Council of Churches and “Churches Together” (Message preached 31st May 2018)

Love Not The World (37 mins)

David West preaches on the command of 1 John 2:15 – “love not the world”. In expounding this topic he poses three questions: 1. What does the Bible mean by the expression “the world”? 2. What are “the things that are in the world”? and 3. What is the relationship of the believer to the world? Explaining that the Greek word “kosmos” indicates “the world system”, David answers the three questions and sounds a clear call for Christian not to…

Israel Shall Dwell Alone (38 mins)

Tom West preaches on Israel’s separation as a picture of ours. He takes up the subject under three headings: the strangeness, strength and sufficiency of separation. Israel’s walk and worship were designed to be different to the surrounding nations. “Dwelling alone” and not intermingling meant they remained strong and retained their identity. In this difficult path, God promised to meet all their needs. Readings: Exod 34:11-17, Num 22:1-2, 5-6, 23:7-10, Deut 7:1-6, 17:14-15 (Message preached 10th May 2018)

Separation in Picture and Type (47 mins)

Norman Mellish speaks on the topic of separation from various pictures and types in the Old Testament. He draws principles of separation from Genesis Ch 1 and the creation week, from Leviticus 11 and the instructions regarding clean and unclean animals, and from Nehemiah Chs 1-6 where walls were built and the testimony of God was preserved (Message preached 3rd May 2018)

What is Separation? (45 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook opens a series of 8 messages on the topic of ‘separation’ and begins by defining what Biblical separation is. He first contrasts it with two unscriptural extremes – isolation, on the one hand, and integration on the other. He then outlines the truth of separation from 2 Cor 6:13-18 before finally pointing to 4 principles that inform a Christian’s separation: 1. The character of God, 2. The cross, 3. The Word of God and 4. The example of…