Why Stand For Truth?

Why Stand For Truth?

Why I Am Premillennial (35 mins)

After some general introductory remarks about the Bible’s prophecies of an “age to come” in which Edenic conditions will be restored, Joshua Jacob explains why he is premillennial in his eschatology. After dismissing amillennialism (no literal 1,000 year kingdom) and postmillennialism (the church brings in the kingdom through the gospel), Josh looks at the second coming of Christ that closes the current age in judgment and ushers in the 1,000 millennial kingdom of Christ – which is the premillennial and…

Why I Am a Cessationist (44 mins)

After some general introductory remarks about spiritual gifts, Jonathan Black outlines 5 reasons why the “sign and revelatory gifts” (tongues, healing, prophecy, words of wisdom, and words of knowledge) ceased before the end of the first century BC. His reasons are: 1. Scripture says these gifts have ceased; 2. They have served their purpose; 3. Tthe apostles have passed away; 4. The Bible has been completed; 5. Modern tongues and healing fail the test of discerning Biblical scrutiny (Readings: 1…

Why I Am Baptised (37 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on “Why I am Baptised”. He explains the meaning of the word baptism (to dip or immerse) and outlines the biblical foundation for “believer’s baptism” as opposed to the non-biblical idea of infant baptism, sometimes called pedobaptism. He uses an acrostic of the word baptism to structure his message: Basis, Act, People, Teaching, Imperative, Signal, Motive. (Readings: John 3:22-30, Acts 2:37-42, 8:5-20, 26-30, Rom 6:1-4).(Message preached 17th Feb 2019)

Why I am a Creationist (56 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on “Why I am a Creationist”. He outlines why he rejects the theory of evolution and accepts the Biblical truth of creation under five headings: personal reasons, scientific reasons, moral reasons, theological reasons and existential reasons. Josh covers a number of important topics such as the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the fixity of species and the laws of science (Message preached 10th Feb 2019)

Why I am Trinitarian (43 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on “Why I am Trinitarian” under three headings: the Trinity is “clearly taught in Scripture”, is “critical to our salvation” and “controls our service”. After refuting the two major anti-trinitarian errors promoted today (Modalism and Arianism), Dan expounds the glorious truth of “one God in three persons, blessed Trinity” (Message preached 3rd Feb 2019)