Sermons by Cameron Piper

The Son of God who died for you (40 mins)

What is the greatest display of love? In John 19, we read of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He was not the only one to die by crucifixion that day, but what set Him apart? We learn that the criminals around Him were suffering the punishment of their own crimes. As for the Lord Jesus, we was suffering for the crimes of others – our crimes. Listen to this powerful sermon to learn more about what Christ did, and how…

Exodus 7: Leaning on God (48 mins)

As our study through the book of Exodus continues, Cameron Piper helpfully expounds chapter 7. He considers the company, consequences, and counterfeits of the chapter, drawing out applications and encouragement for the believer. The listener is encouraged to depend on the Lord’s power and His ability to use what we currently have for His glory, and is challenged on their readiness to be used by God.

Oxford Gospel: “We Will Meet Again” and Romans 6:23 (40 mins)

September 19th 2022 marked the state funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Just hours after the funeral had concluded, Jonathan Black preaches on the great doctrine of the rapture in the context of the gospel, using the quotation “We Will Meet Again” from the late monarch’s March 2020 address to the nation. Cameron Piper closes the meeting by preaching on the great gospel text – Romans 6:23 – “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God…

Oxford Gospel: Barabbas and The Resurrection (41 mins)

Cameron Piper preaches the gospel by looking at the crucifixion and the death of Christ on the cross through the eyes of the thief; Barabbas. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by preaching on the glorious gospel doctrine of the resurrection. Jonathan closes his message by clearly and powerfully outlining 6 proofs of Christ’s resurrection that answer the objections of many in today’s society.

Oxford Gospel: One Man and Hebrews 2:14 (45 mins)

In the first night of a series of gospel meetings in Cowley, Oxford; Jonathan Black preaches on One Man’s influence, citing the local historical figure of William Morris and preaching on the influence of another man – the Lord Jesus Christ. Cameron Piper preaches the gospel from Hebrews 2:14, about how the Saviour can delivered those who were “subject to bondage”.

7 Parts of the Armour of God (48 mins)

Cameron Piper speaks on the 7 parts of the armour of God from Ephesians ch 6. He takes up the subject of spiritual warfare and outlines the strategy of the evil one as he seeks to attack Christians with his fiery darts. By taking to ourselves the whole armour of God, we can stand and withstand in the evil day. (Message preached 17th June 2021)

Motivations and Hindrances (47 mins)

Cameron Piper preaches on “motivations and hindrances” in gospel work. He highlights two main motivations: the glory of God and, love for souls. Among the hindrances he highlights are; being too busy, becoming too tied up with financial commitments, fear of embarrassment, laziness, uncleanness and prayerlessness. A challenging message (Message preached 8th Sept 2019)