Sermons by Colin Hutchison

Sermons by Colin Hutchison

5 Dangers and 5 Resources

Autumn Conference 2021 – Colin Hutchison preaches on 1 Cor 10:1-11 where the apostle Paul highlights 5 dangers facing the Christian, and 5 resources God has given us to enable us to overcome, all sourced in the Old Testament record of the dealings of God with the children of Israel. (Preached: 3rd Oct 2021)

Heaven and the Lamb

Autumn Conference 2021 – GOSPEL- Colin Hutchison preaches the gospel from numerous references to heaven in the book of Revelation. Craig Munro continues in Revelation with a look at the Lamb as Saviour and judge. (Preached: 2nd Oct 2021)

Judgement Must Begin at the House of God

Autumn Conference 2021 – Colin Hutchison preaches on 1 Pet 4:17 – “Judgment must begin at the house of God”.  After explaining what the house of God is, Colin develops various themes in connection with it and how the Christian should conduct himself in it. (Preached: 1st Oct 2021)

How to Know The Lord Better (35 mins)

Colin Hutchison preaches on 4 people in John’s gospel who “knew the Lord”, even though the world did not know Him. Why did they know the Lord and not others? The servants knew because when Christ said “do” they did it (2:9) The nobleman knew because when Christ said “go” he went (4:53) The blind man knew, because when Christ said “wash” he washed (9:25) Martha knew because when Christ said “remove the obstacle” it was removed (11:22) If we…

Romanian Gospel Message (24 mins)

Listen to the gospel preached in Romanian. Colin Hutchison preaches on 1 Timothy 1:15 “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” and illustrates this Bible verse from the story of 3 sinners in the gospel of Luke who were saved from their sins by the Lord. The message is translated into the Romanian language by Mr David Weir (Message preached 5th April 2019)

Christ and the Villages of Galilee

PART 5 – Colin Hutchison preaches on some of the movements and miracles of Christ in and around the villages of Galilee. He opens up a number of very helpful lines of ministry in connection with the 4 gospels and their links with the Pentateuch. The bulk of his message concentrates on 4 miracles, one from each gospel, and the spiritual lessons to be learned therefrom for the Christian life. (Preached: 29th October 2017)

David and Gath

PART 3 – Colin Hutchison preaches on David’s visit to ‘Philistine country’ in 1 Sam 21. The Philistines are a picture of unconverted religious men who suppress the Word of God and seek to overthrow God’s order. Mixing with them brought danger and compromise for David, as it will for us. How to overcome the Philistines is highlighted from the lives of Shamgar, the younger David and from Samson.(Preached: 28th Oct 2017)

Cain and Nod

PART 4 – Colin Hutchison preaches on Cain in the land of Nod (Gen 4:16-26). He expounds the origin of the line of Cain, and how that line develops in the record given in the Bible. From Gen 4 he shows the origin of the godless world of commerce, music and the arts. In contrast to the world’s godless self-glorifying music, the next time we read of music is Exod 15, where the people of God sing about redemption. (Preached:…

Samuel and Ramah

PART 2 – Colin Hutchison preaches on Ramah, the town where Samuel lived, and judged and worshipped. Ramah means “the place of elevation”, so Colin teaches from 1 Samuel 7 how to “live a higher life”, “exercise a higher judgment” and “engage in higher worship”. He finds 4 principles under each topic as he works through the chapter. A helpful, challenging message, especially in relation to communion with Christ. (Preached: 27th Oct 2017)

Jacob and Bethel

PART 1 – Colin Hutchison preaches on lessons that Jacob learned at Bethel, the house of God. He likens Jacob’s experience in Genesis Ch 28 to that of a person in the present day who understands, by revelation from the Word of God, what a local assembly is – the place where God dwells. Colin tells the story of how he personally came to understand the truth of the house of God and challenges his audience to have convictions of…

Four Kinds of Trial

Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchinson preaches on 4 kinds of trials in the Christian life from Peter’s first epistle. In a wide ranging message he takes some of the experiences of Elijah, Gideon, Hannah, John the Baptist, Peter and others to show how through “manifold temptations” they were tried by fire and came forth as gold. A powerful and sobering message. (Preached: 6th April 2015)

Great and Marvelous are Thy Works

Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchinson preaches on Rev 15:3 – “Great and marvellous are Thy works, Lord God almighty.” He traces God’s sovereign dealings in the lives of His people, using individuals like Abraham, Jacob and Naomi to illustrate the need to trust in God in every circumstance, however dark and trying. “We will never regret leaving our lives in God’s hands”. (Preached: 6th April 2015)

The Ministry of the Prophet

Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchison highlights three men who should have been priests – Jeremiah, Ezekiel and John the Baptist – but each of whom God sent forth as prophets because of the broken state of God’s people. Each man had a specific ministry to adjust the people hearts, to adjust the condition of God’s house and to make straight the way of the Lord. A challenging message. (Preached: 5th April 2015)

In the Wilderness

Easter Conference 2015 – Colin Hutchison preaches on God’s provision for Christians as we find ourselves “in the wilderness”. In particular he takes up the three types mentioned in Hebrews Ch 9 – the manna, the rod that budded and the tables of stone – and draws spiritual practical lessons from each one. A helpful and challenging message. (Preached: 4th April 2015)
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