Sermons by Dan Rudge
Exodus 34: Moses face shone (56 mins)
Dan Rudge helpfully teaches on Exodus 34, a pivotal chapter where God renews His covenant with Israel after the Israelites had broken it by worshipping the golden calf. This chapter is significant for showcasing God’s mercy in forgiving Israel and continuing His relationship with them, despite their disobedience. It also emphasises Moses’ role as mediator and the importance of God’s presence with His people.
The Mystery of God (54 mins)
EASTER CONF 2024: Dan Rudge expounds Revelation 10, which deals with a further “mystery doctrine” in the NT, concerning the mystery of God.
Principles and Pitfalls in the Prayer Meeting (33 mins)
EASTER CONF 2024: Dan Rudge gives an instructive and helpful word on five principles and five pitfalls in the assembly prayer meeting.
Exodus 21: Ordinances For The People (63 mins)
Having been redeemed out of the cruel bondage of their slave master Pharaoh, and now belonging to God, how was this to impact their behaviour? Dan Rudge helpfully expounds Exodus 21, where rules are given to the people that show God’s expectations for their conduct, as a redeemed people. Dan brings out the challenging application to believers, having been redeemed by Christ, to live life in accordance with God’s expectations for us; a life of devotion to God, motivated by…
Exodus 12: The Passover (60 mins)
Dan gives a devotional message on the person and work of Christ as seen through the Passover lamb. He gives particular focus on the setting of the Passover, the selection of the lamb, the slaying of the lamb, and the sign of blood.
A Day of Glad Tidings (55 mins)
Dan delivers a message on the parable of the gospel found in 2 Kings 6 & 7. He brings to attention the perishing, the promise of salvation, the provision of salvation, and the proclamation of salvation.
Death in the Pot (57 mins)
Dan Rudge presents the miracle from 2 Kings 4:38-44. In a challenging and searching exposition of the passage, he provides examples of our desires and conduct that can be as the ‘death in the pot’. Dan likens the ‘meal’ remedy to Christ, and refers to Paul’s presentation of Christ across his epistles.
Exposition of 1 Timothy 3 (61 mins)
Dan Rudge provides an incredibly helpful exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 3, examining the important issues of qualifications for overseers and deacons. He closes by looking at the mystery of godliness expounded in the final verses of the chapter.
Genesis 43: Revelation, Repentance & Reconciliation In Joseph’s House (59 mins)
Dan Rudge takes up Genesis 43, showing the typological, dispensational and doctrinal layers of Joseph’s brothers’ second visit to Egypt and Joseph’s house. Dan brings out parallels between Joseph’s house and the house of God in an instructive and practical meeting.
Genesis 33: Settling in Shechem (53 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on Genesis 33. Having wrestled with God and received a new name, Jacob meets with his brother Esau once again. Dan helpfully guides his audience through the chapter, bringing out challenges and practical lessons for modern Christians.
An Overview of Contemporary Spiritual Gifts (53 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches a comprehensive and challenging message on the subject of “contemporary spiritual gifts”. After introductory remarks distinguishing between revelatory, confirmatory and contemporary gifts, Dan Rudge gives insight into the 10 contemporary gifts in detail.
Exposition of Genesis 22 (50 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches from Genesis 22, highlighting the pictures of Gethsemane, Gabatha, Golgotha and the Garden as he works through the unique chapter.
7 Sayings of the Cross (54 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on the 7 sayings of the Lord Jesus on the cross. He raises some questions: “Father forgive them”; but who are the “them”? “Today in Paradise”; but where is Paradise? “My God, My God”; but why not “My Father, My Father”? Dan addresses these questions (and much else beside) in a wide-ranging helpful message. His headings for the Lord’s 7 sayings are: A word for the transgressors A word of truth A word of tenderness A word…
Samuel – Serving God in a Difficult Climate (42 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on the young seer named Samuel, a young man who grew up in a climate that was corrupt and dangerous politically, morally and spiritually. In contrast to the other young men around him, the child Samuel stood out as a faithful devoted servant of the Lord. It’s not easy or popular, especially as a teenager with peer pressure all around, to stand against the spirit of the age – but Samuel’s example encourages us. The key is…