Sermons by Dan Rudge (Page 2)
The Lame Man at the Pool (49 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on the third sign in John’s gospel, the healing of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath day. Dan looks at this sign historically, thematically, dispensationally and practically. The man is a picture of Israel, in his 38 years of weakness and his expressions of unbelief. The act of the Lord in healing the man on the Sabbath was hugely significant and led to the persecution of the Lord and a discourse about…
Exposition of 2 Timothy Ch 4 (47 mins)
Dan Rudge expounds the last chapter of 2nd Timothy in 4 divisions: v1-5 – the Charge of the Apostle, v6-8 – the Course of the Athlete, v9-18 – the Concern of the Prisoner, and v19-22 – the Companions of the Servant. Dan emphasises the command to Timothy to “preach the word” and highlights the various reasons why Paul gives him this solemn charge – made all the more significant and striking in that this chapter forms the very last written…
Why I am Trinitarian (43 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on “Why I am Trinitarian” under three headings: the Trinity is “clearly taught in Scripture”, is “critical to our salvation” and “controls our service”. After refuting the two major anti-trinitarian errors promoted today (Modalism and Arianism), Dan expounds the glorious truth of “one God in three persons, blessed Trinity” (Message preached 3rd Feb 2019)
That Which is Perfect Has Come (48 mins)
Dan Rudge expounds 1 Corinthians Ch 13 – the priority, portrait, permanence and preeminence of love. After outlining the main point of the passage (love should be our motivation in the use of spiritual gifts) Dan tackles the difficult question “What is ‘that which is perfect’?” He contends that Paul is referring to the completed canon of Scripture, rather than Christ or heaven (Message preached 22nd Nov 2018)
In the Beginning, was the Word (48 mins)
Dan Rudge expounds the first 18 verses of John’s gospel (John 1:1-18). He explains that the passage has a chiastic structure that makes vvs12-13 the centre of the passage. He addresses a number of important issues throughout his thorough exposition: when was “in the beginning”?; what is the significance of “the logos”?; why would “the Word was a god” be an inadmissible translation in v1?; and what does “grace for grace” mean? (Message preached 18th Oct 2018)
Christ as Prophet (42 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on the topic of Christ’s office as prophet from Deut 18:15-22. He defines what a prophet is, and then distinguishes between Christ as prophet, as priest and as king. He explains how Christ fulfilled the prophetic office, only speaking what He heard from His Father. Dan also gives counsel from Deut 18 as to how to avoid falling for the many false prophets that are moving freely in Christendom today (Message preached 7th Oct 2018)
Canonisation (34 mins)
Dan Rudge explains why there are 66 books in the Bible, and only 66. How did these books qualify for entry into the “canon of Scriture”? What principles determined their selection? Are we sure we have the correct number and assortment of Bible books? What about the apocrypha and other “gospels” that are not in the Bible? These are other questions are answered in this helpful message (Message preached 4th Feb 2018)
Christ in Romans (43 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on “Christ in the epistle of Romans”. He highlights the 7 references to Christ as God’s “Son” in the epistle and develops the related themes of the person, proclamation, provision and purpose of the Son. In the second half of his message, he distinguishes between propitiation, redemption and justification and develops the theme of the believer’s death to sin in Chapter 6 (Message preached 5th Oct 2017)
The Glory of God – His Son (46 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on the glory of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Working from Philippians 2:5-11, Mr Rudge outlines the glory of Christ’s substance, service, sacrifice and supremacy. The full deity of Christ, His eternal Sonship, His impeccability, His unlimited propitiation and the glory of His risen exalted position at God’s right hand are expounded and defended from this powerful Christological passage (Message preached 17th Nov 2016)
The Christian Wife (37 mins)
Daniel Rudge speaks on “the Christian wife”. Under the headings of her dignity, duty, disposition, dress and devotion, Daniel gives a balanced and comprehensive look at the character and role of Christian woman within marriage. He explains the scriptural meaning of equality, submission and virtue, and addresses pertinent points relative to how modern culture throws up challenges for the married Christian woman (Message preached 7th Feb 2016)
An Overview of the Book of Daniel (43 mins)
Dan Rudge gives an overview of the book of Daniel. He looks at it historically, critically, Biblically, analytically, prophetically and practically. Details are given about the 3 invasions of Nebuchadnezzar, the life and times of Daniel, the major visions of the book and a good deal about the critical attacks on Daniel’s writings and how to counteract the same. (Message preached 28th Jan 2016)
The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life (46 mins)
PART 4 – Dan Rudge preaches on the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. He takes up his subject under the following headings: Insurance (seal/earnest/anointing), Indwelling (life/teaching/holiness), Imprint (fruit) and Inhibiting (grieving/quenching). A wide-ranging message on the multifaceted ministry of the Holy Spirit today (Message preached 1st Oct 2015)
Why Prayer and Worship Matter (47 mins)
Daniel Rudge preaches on the importance of communion with God in prayer, praise and worship. He outlines the priority, privilege, purpose, period, pattern, place and power of prayer. At the end of his message Daniel helpfully touches on the problem of what we sometimes call “unanswered” prayer (Message preached 13th Aug 2015)
Mary, Martha and Lazarus (48 mins)
Dan Rudge preaches on Mary the worshipper, Martha the worker and Lazarus the witness. He draws numerous thoughtful and pertinent lessons from the home in Bethany, which he helpfully portrays as a picture of the local assembly. He challenges his audience to spend time at the feet of Christ like Mary, rather than fall into the trap of “the barrenness of a busy life” like Martha (Message preached 23rd Apr 2015)
Joshua – The Destruction of the Canaanites (26 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on the issue of the “moral dilemma” posed by Israel’s destruction of the Canaanites in the time of Joshua. How could a “God of love” have commanded such a thing? In a well-reasoned Biblical response, Dan highlights the holy character and long-suffering nature of God, and the sovereign way in which He visited judgment on the sins of the Canaanites, but also later visited the same judgment on Israel when they sinned in like manner (Message preached…