Sermons by David Dalton

Sermons by David Dalton

One New Man (35 mins)

David Dalton expounds Ephesians 2:11-22, a passage that explains the origin and character of the “church which is His body”, described in the text as “one new man”. This entity, composed of saved Jews and Gentiles, is not a continuation of or a replacement for the nation of Israel. It is totally new in charatcer, not having existed prior to Acts 2. It was made possible by the work of Christ in breaking down the middle wall of partition at…

King Hezekiah (44 mins)

KINGS OF JUDAH Part 6 – David Dalton preaches on the 13th King of Judah – good King Hezekiah. He exhorts his audience to follow this revival king in his noble restoration of the nation and in his zeal and courage in facing and defeating the enemies of God’s people (Message preached July 4th 2013)

The Discipline of Work (42 mins)

David Dalton preaches on the godly discipline of work. He highlights the responsibilities of the Christian in the workplace and in the duties of the servant-master sphere (Message preached 9th June 2011)

Exposition of Genesis 2 (25 mins)

David Dalton expounds Genesis Ch 2. He looks at the first sabbath, the garden of Eden, the dominion of man over creation and the first marriage – between one man and one woman (Message preached Thursday 22nd April 2010)

Studies in the life of Young Samuel (47 mins)

David Dalton draws some weighty lessons from the life of young Samuel and those who knew him – Elkanah, Hannah, Peninnah, Eli, Hophni and Phinehas. A thought-provoking word with a strong practical edge (Ministry given October 8th 2009)

The Sinlessness of Christ (45 mins)

SINLESSNESS OF CHRIST – David Dalton faithfully outlines the sacred and precious truth of the sinlessness of Christ. He specifically deals with the fact that the Lord Jesus not only did not sin but could not sin (Message preached 5th March 2009)

Deacons and the Assembly (31 mins)

David Dalton preaches on “Deacons and the assembly”. He explains who deacons are, what they do, why they are needed and how they are qualified (Message given 16th October 2008)