Sermons by Jonathan Black (Page 3)

Oxford Gospel: One Man and Hebrews 2:14 (45 mins)

In the first night of a series of gospel meetings in Cowley, Oxford; Jonathan Black preaches on One Man’s influence, citing the local historical figure of William Morris and preaching on the influence of another man – the Lord Jesus Christ. Cameron Piper preaches the gospel from Hebrews 2:14, about how the Saviour can delivered those who were “subject to bondage”.

1 Corinthians 11:1-16 – Headship (45mins)

Jonathan Black preaches a clear ‘back-to-basics’ message on the key assembly principles of Headship, as found in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 – expounding the chapter to teach what the Bible says about gender roles within the local assembly. Jonathan deals with many key truths in this passage, including; headship, head-coverings and gender specific meetings, treating them scripturally and sensitively. (Preached: 23rd June 2022)

Psalm 16: My Lot

Easter Conference 2022 – Jonathan Black preaches a challenging message from Psalm 16 on my Lord (are you trusting Him?), my lot (are you satisfied with Him?), my life (are you living for Him?) and my longing (are we looking for him?). (Preached: 18th April 2022)

7 Temples of Scripture (47 mins)

Jonathan Black speaks on 7 of the Temples of Scripture using the following headings: the principle of His presence, the panorama of His presence, and the pathway into His presence. Readings: 1 Chron 28:11-12, 19, 29:3-5, 2 Chron 3:1-2, 4:1, John 2:18-22, 1 Cor 3:9-17. (Message preached 24th June 2021)

Gideon – Standing for God in a Difficult Time (42 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on Gideon (from Judges Chs 6-8), a man who stood for God in an age when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes”. Jonathan gives practical ministry on Gideon’s quiet private preparation for the public role that he was later to have as he exercised faith in his God, despite his weakness and fear. Though a “mighty man of valour”, he knew what it was to depend on his God, first when he…

Witnessing to the “Religious but Lost” (43 mins)

 Jonathan Black gives guidance on effective ways to reach people who are “religious but lost” – the kinds of people who respond to a gospel approach with “No thanks, I have my own religion/church”, or “I’ve always been a Christian”, or “I was born a Christian”. After looking at the UK religious scene statistically, Jonathan outlines scriptural evangelistic responses to give to those who  may profess a belief in God and the Bible, but who know nothing of God’s salvation…

The Feeding of the 5,000 (45 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the 4th sign in John’s gospel, the feeding of the 5,000. He highlights the significance of the location, the provision and much else about the event. As with all the signs, this one proves the deity of Christ – that He is the Son of God. The sign reveals the One who can fill those who come to Him. Are you satisfied and filled or are you “running on empty”? Jonathan also extracts a number of…

Why I Am a Cessationist (44 mins)

After some general introductory remarks about spiritual gifts, Jonathan Black outlines 5 reasons why the “sign and revelatory gifts” (tongues, healing, prophecy, words of wisdom, and words of knowledge) ceased before the end of the first century BC. His reasons are: 1. Scripture says these gifts have ceased; 2. They have served their purpose; 3. Tthe apostles have passed away; 4. The Bible has been completed; 5. Modern tongues and healing fail the test of discerning Biblical scrutiny (Readings: 1…

The Tribulation Judgement (38 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgment of this world during the tribulation period, due to take place between the rapture and the manifestation. Jonathan defines the times, describes the trouble and distinguishes the terms. This will be the worst period of trouble and judgment the world has ever known and will culminate in the battle of Armageddon, followed by the judgment of the living nations (Message preached 9th Dec 2018)

The Judgement of the Cross (39 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgment of the cross, and points out that God pronounced a judicial verdict on a number of things and persons on the day the Lord Jesus died. The world system was judged (John 12:31), as well as Satan the prince of this world (Heb 2:14-15, Col 2:13-15). God passed sentence on “the old man” – our former self in Adam (Rom 6:6). Not only did the Lord Jesus die for our sins, but God condemned…

Judgement on Israel in 606BC and 70AD (36 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgmental dealings of God with the nation of Israel in their captivities in Assyria and Babylon, as well as in the diaspora that followed the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70 under Titus. The pronouncement, period and purpose of each judgment is outlined (Message preached 18th Nov 2018)

Dead and Risen with Christ (48 mins)

Jonathan Black expounds Romans 6:1-14 the key NT passage dealing with the death, burial and resurrection of the believer through identification with Christ, which has freed him from the dominion of sin and brought him under a new master, the Lord Jesus. This is positional truth that the Christian must both know, and then “reckon” to be true in his life, issuing in a yielding to God (Message preached 15th Nov 2018)