Sermons by Josh Jacob

Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 6 (55 mins)

Josh Jacob closes a series of expositional messages on 1 Timothy by expounding the final chapter of this potent epistle. Josh carefully looks at the issue of false teachers in this passage as well as the phrase “the love of money” – using this as a springboard to offer sound, practical advice relating to the believer’s stewardship of finances. Josh closes the message by examining Paul’s final challenging words in the chapter: “Fight the good fight”.

“He was talking about me!” – Josh Jacob’s Testimony of Salvation.

Josh Jacob relates how, when and where God reached and saved him. He relates how his family first came into contact with the gospel through the efforts of the missionary evangelist Silas Fox, before going on to detail how God spoke to him in a school assembly taken by the Austrian missionary Charles E. Wigg. Shortly afterwards, Josh became convicted of his sins and rested upon the finished work of Christ. Josh closes his message by relating some of the…

The Lord’s Supper (50 mins)

Josh Jacob continues on from the previous weeks’ message and exposits the latter half of 1 Corinthians 11. Josh explains the Why, What, When Where and Who of the Lord’s Supper, giving a scriptural defence of the regularity of this assembly gathering, challenging his audience to grasp the truth of the Lord being present. Josh closes his message by briefly remarking on the scriptural truth of the “one cup”, and offers a concise and clear explanation of its singularity and…

7 Feasts of Jehovah (46 mins)

Josh Jacob speaks on 7 feasts of the Lord from Leviticus 23: the Passover, the feast of Unleavened Bread, the feast of Firstfruits, the feast of Pentecost, the feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the feast of Tabernacles, and looks at each one in relation to their significance Christologically – as they relate to the person and work of Christ (Message preached 6th May 2021)

Nehemiah – Finding Opportunities in Days of Difficulty (40 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on Nehemiah, a man who, returning from Babylon with a deep sense of yearning for the glory of God and the welfare of His city and His people, rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem amidst all kinds of difficulties and opposition. Nehemiah fixed his focus (Ch 1), found the facts (Ch 2), formed the fellowship (Ch 3), fortified their faith (Ch 4), faced the foe (Ch 5), fulfilled his function (Ch 6). Readings from the first 6 chapters…

Ruth – Committed to the Lord Our God (42 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on Ruth the Moabitess who was marked by commitment to the interests of the God of Israel in a culture and situation naturally foreign to her. She was a disallowed stranger (Ruth Ch 1), a diligent worker (Ch 2), a dutiful pleader (Ch 3) and a destined mother (Ch 4). Josh draws lessons from the life and experience of Ruth to encourage us to overcome life’s difficulties and adversities through faith in the God under whose wings…

Witnessing to Hindus (48 mins)

Josh Jacob begins by looking at how the West has been infiltrated by Hindu philosophy repackaged as visualisation, yoga, quantum healing and much else. He traces the history of this phenomenon back to the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in 1893, up through the Beatles in the 1960’s, through to today. He explains Hindu concepts such as Karma, Moksha, Nirvana and Maya and exposes the deception through the prism of Genesis Ch 3. Finally he explains certain features of Indian/Hindu culture…

The Call (38 mins)

 Josh Jacob preaches on the urgent and scriptural requirement for every single believer to be interested in and to actively pursue the salvation of others. After speaking on the value of “one soul” Josh looks at the programme, passion, power and promise contained in Psalm 126:6 “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Message preached 1st Sept 2019)

Why I Am Premillennial (35 mins)

After some general introductory remarks about the Bible’s prophecies of an “age to come” in which Edenic conditions will be restored, Joshua Jacob explains why he is premillennial in his eschatology. After dismissing amillennialism (no literal 1,000 year kingdom) and postmillennialism (the church brings in the kingdom through the gospel), Josh looks at the second coming of Christ that closes the current age in judgment and ushers in the 1,000 millennial kingdom of Christ – which is the premillennial and…

Why I Am Baptised (37 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on “Why I am Baptised”. He explains the meaning of the word baptism (to dip or immerse) and outlines the biblical foundation for “believer’s baptism” as opposed to the non-biblical idea of infant baptism, sometimes called pedobaptism. He uses an acrostic of the word baptism to structure his message: Basis, Act, People, Teaching, Imperative, Signal, Motive. (Readings: John 3:22-30, Acts 2:37-42, 8:5-20, 26-30, Rom 6:1-4).(Message preached 17th Feb 2019)

Why I am a Creationist (56 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on “Why I am a Creationist”. He outlines why he rejects the theory of evolution and accepts the Biblical truth of creation under five headings: personal reasons, scientific reasons, moral reasons, theological reasons and existential reasons. Josh covers a number of important topics such as the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the fixity of species and the laws of science (Message preached 10th Feb 2019)

The Great White Throne Judgement (37 mins)

Josh Jacob outlines (from Rev 20:1-15) how the world will end – with 1. God’s judgment being poured out on the final rebellion of man at the end of the Millennium, and 2. the judgment of Satan, who is cast into the lake of fire, and 3. the judgment of the “wicked dead” whose names are not found written in the book of life. A solemn subject for both the saved and the lost to ponder (Message preached 6th Jan 2019)

God Has Spoken in His Son (43 mins)

 Josh Jacob looks at Hebrews 1:1-3 under the headings: “The Son previewed”, “The Son presented” and “The Son preeminent”. The writer to the Hebrews gives a 7-part description of the excellencies of Christ’s person and work in these tightly packed and theologically rich verses which stand at the beginning of an epistle that presents Christ as “better than all” (Message preached 20th Dec 2018)

The Judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah (35 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. From Ezekiel 16:48-50 and Luke 17:26-32 he outlines the sins of these ancient cities (features repeated in our day) and how Abraham pleaded with God to spare the cities from judgment. The Bible says “As it was in the days of Lot…even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Message preached 4th Nov 2018)

Separation Unto God (36 mins)

Joshua Jacob points us to the God of holiness who calls us to Himself in separation. A comprehension of the holy God who has separated us to Himself (Psa 4:3) will save us from holding the doctrine of separation merely as a dry cold fact. Rather, in the words of the hymn writer, “The things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace”. The Lord is looking for dedicated, separated servants to “stand in…