Sermons by Josh Jacob (Page 2)

Sermons by Josh Jacob (Page 2)

Separation Unto God (36 mins)

Joshua Jacob points us to the God of holiness who calls us to Himself in separation. A comprehension of the holy God who has separated us to Himself (Psa 4:3) will save us from holding the doctrine of separation merely as a dry cold fact. Rather, in the words of the hymn writer, “The things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace”. The Lord is looking for dedicated, separated servants to “stand in…

The Christian and Time Management (44 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the challenge of personal devotion and assembly commitment in a busy fast-paced world. Reading from 1 Chron 27:25-31 and Eph 5:13-18 Josh majors on the topic of “redeeming the time” and outlines numerous ways in which this can be done and the provision the Lord has made to help us in this great task (Message preached 15th Mar 2018)

Investigating the Bible (43 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on “investigating the Bible” under three headings – 1. Why come to the Bible? 2. Welcoming the Bible, and 3. Working through the Bible. He gives helpful general hints about basic considerations in Bible study including the student’s attitude, diligence, attention to detail and prayerful response. In Bible study – look for God, learn about Christ, listen to the Spirit and “live it out” (Message preached 11th Mar 2018)

Preservation and Transmission (42 mins)

Josh Jacob traces the chain of movement from God to man – revelation, inspiration, inscripturation, preservation, transmission, canonisation and translation. Then he homes in on how the originals have been preserved. He compares the number, accuracy and dates of hand-written Greek and Hebrew Bible manuscripts with what is available for other ancient works of literature, and finds the Bible to be the best attested ancient book in the history of mankind (Message preached 28th Jan 2018)

Women who knew Paul (43 mins)

Josh Jacob closes the sermon series on “Women in the Bible” with a message about women known to the apostle Paul, including Phoebe, Priscilla, Lydia and two sisters in Philippi named Euodias and Syntyche. The commendation that Paul gives these and other women forever puts to rest any idea that Paul was a misogynist! Josh starts in Romans 16 with a long list of names commended by Paul, including numerous women (Message preached 19th Nov 2017)

Esther (36 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on Esther, the Jewish orphan girl who became the Queen of an empire. The narrative in the Bible book of Esther uniquely displays the “Master Weaver” – God – in action, not mentioned by name, but ever moving behind the scenes. Esther was “governed by His providence”, “grew according to His plan”, was “guarded by His power” and “guided by His purpose” (Message preached 15th Oct 2017)

The Church at Philadelphia (39 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the church at Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13). This was the assembly that had a little strength, that “kept God’s word” and did not deny His name. To them was given the promise “I will keep thee from the hour of temptation”. They were an evangelistic assembly, before whom God has set an open door. Much can be learned from a study of this commendable company of the Lord’s people! (Message preached 23rd July 2017)

An Overview of the book of Revelation (49 mins)

Joshua Jacob gives an overview of the book of Revelation. He outlines the unfolding of future events given in the book, which encompasses most of the details of the 7-year “tribulation” period of Bible prophecy including the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 vials. The book is expounded within a pre-tribulational and pre-millennial framework with all the events from Ch 6:1 lying in the future, after the rapture of the church to heaven (Message preached 7th Apr 2016)

The Christian Husband (37 mins)

Joshua Jacob speaks on “the Christian husband”, centering his comments around 1 Pet 3:7 “Husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” The Christian husband is to “live intimately with her”, “be understanding of her”, “give honour to her”, “share freely with her” and “deal gently with her.” A practical helpful message  (Message preached 31st…

The Holy Spirit and the Bible (34 mins)

PART 2 – Joshua Jacob preaches on the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Bible, explaining that it was under the superintendency of the Holy Spirit that the Scriptures were written. Coming to indwell His people at Pentecost the Holy Spirit now guides into all truth. Joshua also outlines numerous features of the Bible that give evidence of its divine origin and inspiration (Message preached 10th Sept 2015)

Why The Bible Matters (44 mins)

Joshua Jacob closes the series on “Things that Matter” by preaching on the importance of the Word of God. It is the inspired, infallible, inscripted revelation of God to mankind. Joshua take up his subject under the headings: the exclusivity of the Bible, its exigencies, its expressions, its exhortations and its exclusions (Message preached 27th Aug 2015)

Timothy (42 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on the life of Timothy, a man who knew the scriptures from childhood and was converted later in life through the labours of the apostle Paul. Paul took Timothy under his wing and in this message we relearn the principle of an older man working with a younger, and are reminded of some of the vital lessons that must be passed between the generations (Message preached 21st May 2015)

Joshua – Conquering the Land (25 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on the three major phases of Israel’s conquest of Canaan. The destruction of Jericho – a picture of overcoming the world. The 5 southern Kings who were put in a cave – a picture of overcoming the flesh. The northern alliance under Jabin – a picture of overcoming the devil. These are the Christian’s three enemies and scriptural strategies for overcoming them are outlined in this message (Message preached 12th Apr 2015)

Joshua – Conquest of Jericho (26 mins)

 Joshua Jacob preaches on the conquest of Jericho and the salvation of Rahab. Rahab’s deliverance is a unique example of the grace and mercy of God to sinners. The scarlet thread, the promise of the spies and the blowing of the trumpets are all given a gospel application. Some interesting footnotes about Jericho and archaeology are included in this message (Message preached 8th Mar 2015)

Joshua – His Call and Character (26 mins)

Josh Jacob introduces the character of Joshua, the successor of Moses, who led the children of Israel into their inheritance. A slave in Egypt, a servant to Moses, a spy searching out the land and a soldier in battle. From various aspects of Joshua’s life and labour we learn practical lessons about leadership and the passing of the torch to the next generation. (Message preached 8th Feb 2015)