Sermons by Josh Jacob (Page 3)

Sermons by Josh Jacob (Page 3)

The Bible – A Book Like No Other (44 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on the uniqueness of the Bible, the only “God-breathed” book in the world. The Bible is neither ancient nor modern – it is timeless! Josh outlines the doctrine of inspiration and explains how the Bible was given to us and has been preserved through the centuries. Though it has been attacked and men have sought to undermine it and destroy it, the Bible still stands as the infallible, inerrant Word of the living God (Message preached 8th…

The Virtuous Women vs The Women of Vice (27 mins)

Josh Jacob contrasts the virtuous woman with the “strange” woman, or the “woman of vice”. One is hard to find, the other easy to find. One a home maker, the other a home breaker. One emphasising inner beauty, the other emphasising outer beauty. Biblical femininity and womanhood is contrasted with much that is seen in our culture’s feminist ideology and worldview (Message preached 14th Sept 2014)

1 Thessalonians Ch 4 (42 mins)

Joshua Jacob expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5. He emphasises the “call to holiness” in the first 12 verses, while also bringing to bear the teaching relative to the “comfort of His coming” in the last 6 verses. 1 Thess 4 is a pivotal passage about the rapture of the church to heaven prior to the day of the Lord (Message preached 3rd Apr 2014)

Kings Manasseh, Amon and Josiah (33 mins)

KINGS OF JUDAH Part 7 – Josh Jacob preaches on the 14-16th Kings of Judah – Manasseh, Amon and Josiah. The contrast between Manasseh and Josiah could hardly be greater! Joshua draws pertinent and powerful lessons about rebellion and revival from these notable Davidic sovereigns (Message preached 11th July 2013)

Exposition of Genesis 3 (46 mins)

Joshua Jacob expounds Genesis Ch 3. He outlines the subtle strategy of Satan in precipitating the fall, and teaches powerful practical lessons from this crucially important chapter (Message preached 29th Apr 2010)

The Eternality and Immutability of God (45 mins)

THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Part 6 – Josh Jacob preaches a stirring message on the eternality and immutability of God. Starting at Gen 1:1, he speaks of God presented, powerful, purposeful and personal (Message preached 18th Feb 2010)

Studies in the life of Older Samuel (48 mins)

Josh Jacob brings a challenging message on Samuel the prophet in relation to his family, his ministry & his posterity. He closes with a searching look at Saul’s final days and his longing to see Samuel one more time (Ministry given October 15th 2009

The Deity of Christ (35 mins)

DEITY OF CHRIST – Joshua Jacob preaches on the theme of the deity of Christ. He speaks of the attributes of deity, the adoration of deity, the admission of deity & the actions of deity and exalts the person of Christ (Message preached 19th Feb 2009)

The Lord and the Assembly (44 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the subject of “The Lord and the assembly”. He outlines the features, figures, functions and fellowship of the local assembly and urges us to attend, defend, extend and commend it (Message preached 9th Oct 2008)

The Cross (40 mins)

THE CROSS & REDEMPTION – Joshua Jacob preaches on the twin subjects of the cross and redemption. He explains that our ransom was paid to God, not to Satan and outlines the why, the work and the way of the cross (Message preached 3rd July 2008)

The Life and Times of Abraham (40 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the life and times of Abraham. He traces the root, requirement and reward of his faith and draws out lessons from mistakes that Abraham made (Ministry given on 14th Feb 2008)

What it means to be a Saint (39 mins)

SAINTS – Joshua Jacob preaches on “What it means to be a saint”. He outlines the concept of sanctification and the implications of each believer having been “set apart” to God (Message preached 13th Sept 2007)

Inspiration (42 mins)

INSPIRATION – Joshua Jacob teaches on the subject of the inspiration of scripture. This is a most important, vital and fundamental subject on which every believer must have an intelligent grasp (Message preached 21st June 2007)