Sermons by Marcus Hall

The Deity and Personality of the Holy Spirit (34 mins)

PART 1 – Marcus Hall preaches on the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit. He takes a survey of these two vital subjects through the Bible, showing that the Holy Spirit is a person not just an influence; a distinct person in the Trinity but nevertheless coequal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son; and characterised therefore by omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence (Message preached 3rd Sept 2015)

The Discipline of Parenting (56 mins)

Marcus Hall delivers a helpful message on the discipline of godly parenting. He takes examples from Old and New Testaments and gives wise advice to parents and grandparents on the vital subject of raising children (Message preached 26th May 2011)

Exposition of Genesis 1 (47 mins)

Marcus Hall (1938-2021) from Pamber Heath, often visited us in Bicester. In this message he expounds Genesis Ch 1. He stands by a literal interpretation of the entire chapter and, among other things, explains why he does not accept the so-called ‘gap theory’. A solid, helpful exposition from a careful student and teacher (Message preached Thursday 15th April 2010)

Introduction to Judges (45 mins)

Marcus Hall introduces a series of ministry meetings on the book of Judges and gives practical and helpful ministry on the first three Judges – Othniel, Ehud and Shamgar (Ministry given Thursday 10th September 2009)

Walking in the Fear of God (40 mins)

Marcus Hall preaches on the meaning of the Biblical concept of “fearing the Lord”. This is a vital subject and one that is subject to widespread misunderstanding (Message preached Dec 6th 2007)

Elders and the Flock (50 mins)

Marcus Hall outlines the Bible’s teaching on the relationship between assembly elders and the flock over which then Holy Spirit has made them overseers. A vital, warm and discerning message from an experienced elder (2007)