Sermons by Peter Orasuk

Sermons by Peter Orasuk

Why Holiness Matters (37 mins)

After defining what holiness is, Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “Why holiness matters”. This is a vital and wide ranging message that examines the need for holiness in all spheres of life. Peter gives numerous relevant Biblical examples in his message as he outlines helpful scriptural advice and instruction on this neglected subject (Message preached 6th Aug 2015)

John The Baptist (38 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the character of John the Baptist; an unusual man, with a unique ministry and an uncompromising message. Peter draws numerous insightful and pertinent lessons for his audience from various aspects of the life and labours of this faithful forerunner of Christ (Message preached 9th Apr 2015)

Wake Up! – Gospel Message (38 mins)

The late Peter Orasuk preaches the gospel with a sermon called “A Wake Up Call” (during his last visit to Bicester in June 2003). He includes a dramatic Niagara Falls illustration told as only Peter Orasuk could tell it.

From Drugs to Christ – Peter Orasuk’s Testimony (55 mins)

Raised in a strict home and taught traditional values as a child, Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) got in with a rough crowd in his youth and ended up a drug addict and dealer, and eventually behind bars. His was the party lifestyle, constantly flirting with danger, always knowing his next fix could be his last. But, in 1976, by a remarkable series of events, light came into Peter’s darkness. Through the gospel message in the Bible he was completely and miraculously…