Sermons on The Judgements of Scripture with Various Speakers

Sermons on The Judgements of Scripture with Various Speakers

The Great White Throne Judgement (37 mins)

Josh Jacob outlines (from Rev 20:1-15) how the world will end – with 1. God’s judgment being poured out on the final rebellion of man at the end of the Millennium, and 2. the judgment of Satan, who is cast into the lake of fire, and 3. the judgment of the “wicked dead” whose names are not found written in the book of life. A solemn subject for both the saved and the lost to ponder (Message preached 6th Jan 2019)

The Tribulation Judgement (38 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgment of this world during the tribulation period, due to take place between the rapture and the manifestation. Jonathan defines the times, describes the trouble and distinguishes the terms. This will be the worst period of trouble and judgment the world has ever known and will culminate in the battle of Armageddon, followed by the judgment of the living nations (Message preached 9th Dec 2018)

The Judgement of the Cross (39 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgment of the cross, and points out that God pronounced a judicial verdict on a number of things and persons on the day the Lord Jesus died. The world system was judged (John 12:31), as well as Satan the prince of this world (Heb 2:14-15, Col 2:13-15). God passed sentence on “the old man” – our former self in Adam (Rom 6:6). Not only did the Lord Jesus die for our sins, but God condemned…

Judgement on Israel in 606BC and 70AD (36 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgmental dealings of God with the nation of Israel in their captivities in Assyria and Babylon, as well as in the diaspora that followed the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70 under Titus. The pronouncement, period and purpose of each judgment is outlined (Message preached 18th Nov 2018)

The Judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah (35 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. From Ezekiel 16:48-50 and Luke 17:26-32 he outlines the sins of these ancient cities (features repeated in our day) and how Abraham pleaded with God to spare the cities from judgment. The Bible says “As it was in the days of Lot…even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Message preached 4th Nov 2018)

The Judgement of the Worldwide Flood (37 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the judgment of the flood in the days of Noah. After some introductory remarks about Genesis, he looks at the period, pronouncement, purpose and prophecy of the flood. The Bible is clear – man’s sin caused God to judge the world with a global flood with only 8 people saved in the ark. Lessons are drawn from how God dealt with Enoch, Methusaleh and Noah and his family (Message preached 28th Oct 2018)