Sermons on Religious People

A Great Escape – Clive Barber’s Testimony (62 mins)
Born in the UK, baptised as an 8 day old baby and given communion from 6 months old, Clive Barber spent the first 17 years of his life in a legalistic religious sect that held meetings every day of the year. However, during that whole time, Clive never learned he was a lost sinner in need of God’s salvation. Excommunicated and told to leave his home at age 17 (for infringing the sect’s rules), Clive turned against Christ, the Bible…

Kamil Golebiewska’s Testimony of Salvation (88 mins)
Raised a Roman Catholic in Poland, Kamil Golebiewska grew up wishing he was as godly as Pope John Paul II. However, after coming to the UK at the age of 20, Kamil stopped going to church. He later took up attending another church and was even baptised, but had still never been born again. After attending a series of gospel meetings in a Gospel Tent in 2017 Kamil finally understood he was a lost and helpless sinner – but that…

Seongmin Jeon’s Testimony of Salvation (6 mins)
Though raised in a Christian family, the son of a Pastor, and a faithful tithe-paying member of a Presbyterian Church, Mr Seongmin Jeon did not know he needed to be saved if he was ever going to be in heaven. He learned his need, as a lost sinner, through the witness of his wife, and found salvation in Christ and assurance of salvation through Hebrews 9:12, a verse which speaks of eternal redemption obtained once for all by the Lord…

Michael Martin’s Testimony of Salvation (9 mins)
Raised in a Roman Catholic orphanage in Bombay, India, Michael Martin harboured aspirations after the Priesthood. However, his life took a different turn and he ended up hearing the gospel preached by the late evangelist Michael Browne, of Bath, England. After a struggle, Michael Martin finally understood that Scripture is inspired and authoritative, while “Church tradition” is just man-made. Convicted of his sin, Michael came to trust in Christ alone for salvation (Testimony given 6th Mar 2016)

Wyn Williams’ Testimony of Salvation (44 mins)
Wyn Williams was raised in a Calvinistic Methodist Chapel in South Wales until he was 18 years of age, but never once heard the gospel there! However, by the gracious providence of God his employment took him to Scotland where a nurse witnessed to him and brought him to gospel meetings. Wyn realised he was a sinner and trusted in Christ for salvation (Testimony given 12th Jan 2014)

Theodore Chaisson’s Testimony of Salvation (24 mins)
Theodore Chiasson, born and raised in a Roman Catholic home in Cape Breton Island, Canada, relates his story of conversion as a 24 year old young man back in the 1970’s, after hearing the gospel for the very first time. Theodore had a wholesome God-fearing childhood, but at college he went into drugs and ended up disillusioned and empty. Then a Christian witnessed to him and gave him a Bible…and the Lord saved him that same day! (Testimony given in…

Terry Topley’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)
Terry Topley was born in 1961 in Co Down, Northern Ireland. As a child he had ambitions to become a Priest. Faithful to the Mass and Confession, Terry believed in the sacraments and all his church taught him. When “the troubles” began in 1969 his life was threatened and he had to move house. In his new location he got to know a Christian lady whose life and testimony made a deep impression on him. She shared the gospel with…

Frank Sona’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)
Frank Sona didn’t grow up in a Christian family. Being born and raised in a Jewish area of the state of New Jersey, USA, Frank developed a childhood fascination with Judaism and sometimes attended the local synagogue. Frank’s parents decided to take him to Sunday School where he finally heard about the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time. During a special week of children’s meetings Frank discovered his need of salvation – “my sin became real to me” –…

Marvin Derksen’s Testimony of Salvation (34 mins)
Marvin Derksen relates the thrilling and absorbing story of his religious upbringing in the Mennonite church and how he was saved after a long struggle with self-righteousness. Born in Ontario, Canada, Marvin grew up to go to church, read the Bible at home, and give thanks for his food. He made a commitment, got baptised, joined his church, took communion, sang in the choir, and engaged in “church work”, but he knew nothing of God’s salvation. Then in 1967, Marvin’s…

Robert Armstrong’s Testimony of Salvation (30 mins)
Robert Armstrong, missionary to Tanzania, relates the touching story of his father’s conversion under the preaching of the well-known Irish evangelist Frank Knox. H-A-T-H spells hath, everlasting life (Message preached 6th July 2008)

Eddie Geary’s Testimony of Salvation (23 mins)
In 2004 Eddie Geary came to Bicester, in his 90th year, and told how God had saved him 70 years previously as a self-righteous young man who wanted to be a minister in the Church of England (Episcopal/Anglican) but knew nothing of the Lord’s words in John 3, “Unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God”. Mr Geary’s accent isn’t the easiest to understand, but stick with him…this is a great story that will warm…