Sermons from December 1973

Sermons from December 1973

The Christian Race (45 mins)

A rare recording of Bernard Fell, author of Verities in Verse, speaking on various aspects of ‘the Christian Race’ from Hebrews 12 and exhorting the saints to press on toward the mark (Message preached at the Boxing Day Conference 1973)

The Danger of Crossing into Egypt (28 mins)

Ben Sutton (1922-2007) give ministry from the example of the children of Israel in the Old Testament. He outlines the dangers of crossing the border into Egypt – a picture of mixing with the world’s system (Genesis Ch. 12) (Message preached at the Bicester Boxing Day Conference 1973)

Lessons from the Problems in Corinth (48 mins)

Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on lessons from the 5 assembly problems at Corinth. Mr Cundick was a masterly expositor of the word and preached around the world for many years (Message preached in Bicester at the Boxing Day Conference 1973) 

The False Religious System of Babylon (42 mins)

Eric Parmenter preaches from Revelation 17 on the false religious system of Babylon. This was a powerful address and showed a keen level of discernment for what was happening in the ecumenical movement at that time (Message preached in Bicester at the Boxing Day Conference – 1973)