Sermons from November 2002

Part 7 – Marriage & The Family (38 mins)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 7) – Raising young children is one thing, but dealing with teenagers requires yet more wisdom, skill and commitment. A life-line for stressed parents of teenagers (Message preached Nov 2002)

Part 6 – Marriage & The Family (46 mins)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 6) – An excellent message on how to raise young children for God during what Dr Higgins calls ‘the formative years’. Wise counsel from an experienced father and doctor (Message preached Nov 2002)

Part 5 – Marriage & The Family (51 mins)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 5) – Marital harmony does not come naturally; it needs to be worked at. Here are numerous Biblical ways to overcome long and short-term marriage difficulties (Message preached Nov 2002)

Part 4 – Marriage & The Family (40 mins)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 4) – Recognizing that it is easy to be married but not in love; to wear a ring without a hint of romance – Dr Higgins gives hints on avoiding marriage drudgery (Message preached Nov 2002)

Part 3 – Marriage and The Family (42 mins)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 3) – In a society that rejects the Biblical requirement and blueprint of marriage this message is a reminder of the foundational principles of marriage and the family (Message preached Nov 2002)

Part 2 – Marriage & The Family (43 mins)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 2) – Making the decision about who to marry and preparing for marriage are two challenging issues. Helpful advice on courtship and finding a marriage partner (Message preached Nov 2002)

The Prodigal Son (42 mins)

Harold Paisley preaches the gospel from Luke 15 with particular emphasis on the parable of the Prodigal Son which he likens to himself and his own conversion at the age of 20 (Message preached 4th November 2002)

Mr. Brian Chapman’s Testimony of Salvation

Businessman Brian Chapman, from Northern Ireland, tells how he became a Christian as a young man in 1979 through attending meetings where the gospel was preached by evangelist Mr Sam McBride. In the second half of this audio, Dr Sandy Higgins from the USA explains the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (Messages preached Nov 2002)