Sermons from July 2006

Acts Chapter 6 (49 mins)

John Grant warns, from Acts 6, against murmuring and complaining in a local assembly, as well as outlining the function and character of deacons. He also gives a sketch of the martyrdom of Stephen (Message preached Monday 18th June 2006)

The Millennial Reign of Christ (42 mins)

Jim Baker teaches on the millennial reign of Christ, expounding on four great reasons for this unique 1,000 year period and linking it with the events that occurred on the mount of transfiguration.

The Second Advent of Christ (40 mins)

Jim Baker teaches on the ‘manifestation’ of Christ at the second advent from Revelation, 2 Thessalonians and Zechariah, including what happens to the beast, the false prophet and Satan.

The Great Tribulation (36 mins)

Jim Baker teaches on the great tribulation, the sequence of events in the book of Revelation, the four horsemen, the antichrist and the covenant of Daniel 9. He helpfully compares Matthew 24 to Revelation 6.

The Judgement Seat of Christ (32 mins)

Jim Baker teaches on the next event to take place in heaven after the rapture – the judgment seat of Christ. He explains what will happen when believers from this present dispensation stand before the Lord ‘in that day’.

The Pre-Tribulational Rapture (38 mins)

Jim Baker teaches on the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. He explains why neither the church nor the rapture are mentioned in the Old Testament and touches on 1 Thess 4, 1 Cor 15 and other related passages.