Sermons from November 2006

Part 4 – The Manna from Heaven (40 mins)

John Stubbs preaches on the “bread from heaven”, know as “Manna” in the Old Testament book of Numbers. From the Manna Mr Stubbs draws pictures of Christ and lessons for the Christian relative to feeding on Him (Message preached on 28th Nov 2006)

Part 3 – Crossing the Red Sea (47 mins)

John Stubbs preaches on the incident of the crossing of the Red Sea by the children of Israel as they escaped from Egypt. He applies numerous pertinent lessons from this very instructive narrative (Message preached on 27th Nov 2006)

Part 2 – Gospel: The Serpent on the Pole (34 mins)

John Stubbs preaches the gospel from the incident of the “serpent on the pole” from Number Ch 21. This is a striking message drawn from a pivotal narrative recorded during the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan (Message preached on 26th Nov 2006)

Part 1 – Intro to Egypt to Canaan (47 mins)

John Stubbs preaches on the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. In this introductory message he outlines the first section of 1 Cor Ch 10 wherein several incidents from Israel’s journey are highlighted, and from which the apostle Paul draws valuable practical lessons as inspired by the Holy Spirit (Message preached on 25th Nov 2006)