Sermons from June 2007

Inspiration (42 mins)

INSPIRATION – Joshua Jacob teaches on the subject of the inspiration of scripture. This is a most important, vital and fundamental subject on which every believer must have an intelligent grasp (Message preached 21st June 2007)

Redemption (34 mins)

REDEMPTION – Norman Clay teaches on the subject of redemption, outlining the price paid through the Saviour’s precious blood to set free the slaves of sin (Message preached 14th June 2007)

Masters and Servants (41 mins)

Josh Jacob outlines the Bible’s teaching on the relationship between servants and masters, or as we would now say “employers and employees”. Biblical guidelines for maintaining a good testimony in the wordplace (2007)

Justification (23 mins)

JUSTIFICATION – Gwyn Cummins teaches on the subject of justification by faith, expounding its significance as the way in which sinners are declared righteous before God (Message preached 7th June 2007)

Elders and the Flock (50 mins)

Marcus Hall outlines the Bible’s teaching on the relationship between assembly elders and the flock over which then Holy Spirit has made them overseers. A vital, warm and discerning message from an experienced elder (2007)