Sermons from 2008
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Assurance (37 mins)
Words of Assurance – Gene Higgins preaches on how to be saved and sure you are saved from the Lord’s words in John 5:24 “Verily Verily…he that heareth…and believeth…hath everlasting life”. (Message preached 14th Nov 2008 in Ambrodsen Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Warning (42 mins)
Words of Warning – Gene Higgins preaches a searching, solemn and powerful message on the Lord’s memorable and startling words: “Remember Lot’s wife”.(Message preached 12th Nov 2008 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Life (38 mins)
Words of Life – Gene Higgins preaches on the “serpent on the pole” and the Lord’s words, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up”. (Message preached 11th Nov 2008 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Encouragement (42 mins)
Words of Encouragement – Gene Higgins preaches on Saviour’s words in Mark 12:34: “Thou art not very far from the Kingdom of God.” Prepare for a solemn and searching end to this message. (Message preached 10th Nov 2008 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Love (42 mins)
Words of Love – Gene Higgins preaches on those most well known of words, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. (Message preached 9th Nov 2008 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Joy (37 mins)
Words of Joy – Gene Higgins preaches on the unique characteristic of the gospel – joy – as illustrated in the Prodigal Son’s experience: “This my son…was lost and is found”. (Message preached 8th Nov 2008 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Assessment (38 mins)
Words of Assessment – Gene Higgins preaches on the value of the soul from the words of the Lord Jesus: “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world but lose his own soul”. (Message preached 7th Nov 2008 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’08: Words of Salvation (41 mins)
Words of Salvation – Gene Higgins preaches on the universal need and availability of salvation from “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world should be saved”. (Message preached 6th Nov 2008 in Ambrosden Village Hall)

Robin Steele’s Testimony of Salvation (21 mins)
Robin Steele recounts the story of how he came to Christ in 1975 at the age of 17. He had known the gospel from a child but certain events were used of God to awaken him as a worldly teenager to think of eternity (Message preached 26th October 2008)
Revelation 20 – The Decisive Fulfilment of God’s Plan (66 mins)
Ian Jackson expounds Revelation 20 under the heading “The Decisive Fulfilment of God’s Plans for Israel and the Church”. A wide-ranging exposition of the millennium, the final judgment and the eternal state (Message preached 25th October 2008)
Matthew 24 – The Difficult Time of Jacob’s Trouble (66 mins)
Ian Jackson expounds Matthew 24 under the heading “The Difficult Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” He outlines the events of the great tribulation commenting on its antichrist deception and outpoured wrath of God (Message preached 23rd October 2008)
Revelation 4 and 5 – The Dramatic Unfolding of the Tribulation (60 mins)
Ian Jackson expounds Revelation Chs. 4 and 5 under the heading “The Dramatic Unfolding of the Tribulation”. He concentrates on the Throne, the Lamb and the Book, which he calls the “title deeds of the universe” (Message preached 22nd October 2008)
1 Thessalonians 4 – The Detailed Account of the Rapture (66 mins)
Ian Jackson expounds 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 under the heading “The Detailed Account of the Rapture of the Church”. He painstakingly but thrillingly works his way through the verses to their glorious conclusion (Message preached 21st October 2008)
Matthew 13 – The Dispensational Underpinning of Prophecy (57 mins)
Ian Jackson expounds Matthew 13, “The Dispensational Underpinning of Prophecy”. He gives a panoramic view of God’s dealings in the present age as seen in the 7 parables of the kingdom (Message preached 20th October 2008)