Sermons from 2008 (Page 2)
Daniel Chapter 9 – The Divine Time Frame for Prophecy (61 mins)
Ian Jackson expounds Daniel Chapter 9 under the heading “The Divine Time Frame for God’s Prophetic Plan”. He explains the meaning of the pivotal subject of “Daniel’s 70 weeks” (Message preached 18th October 2008)
Deacons and the Assembly (31 mins)
David Dalton preaches on “Deacons and the assembly”. He explains who deacons are, what they do, why they are needed and how they are qualified (Message given 16th October 2008)

Wade Jollymore’s Testimony of Salvation (15 mins)
Mr. Wade Jollymore from Nova Scotia, Canada, tells how the Lord saved him at the age of 23 after he had procrastinated for a good number of years, knowing all the time that he needed to be saved (Message preached Oct 5th 2008)
The Lord and the Assembly (44 mins)
Joshua Jacob preaches on the subject of “The Lord and the assembly”. He outlines the features, figures, functions and fellowship of the local assembly and urges us to attend, defend, extend and commend it (Message preached 9th Oct 2008)
Hymn Singing – October 2008 (27 mins)
27 minutes of hymns sung at Ian Jackson’s meetings in October 2008. Includes “Come Let Us Sing the Song of Songs”, “Look ye Saints The Sight is Glorious”, “And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son?”, “Fairest of All the Earth Beside”, “Glory, Glory Everlasting”, “We Saw Thee Not When Thou Didst Come”, “A Wonderful Saviour is Jesus My Lord”, “What Will It Be To Dwell Above?” and “When This Passing World is Done”
Sisters and the Assembly (41 mins)
Scott Dunn preaches on “Sisters and the assembly”. He takes up the subject under the headings of submission, silence and service. Most of the message involves a verse by verse exposition of 1 Cor 11:1-16 (Message preached 2nd Oct 2008)
The World and the Assembly (41 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “The world and the assembly”. He covers our ministry to the world as well as looking at the world’s wrong mentality, methods and machinery all of which can adversely affect an assembly (Message given 18th September 2008)
Elders and the Assembly (48 mins)
John Salisbury preaches on “Elders and the assembly”. This is a comprehensive message on the calling, character, conduct and compensation of local assembly elders (Message given 11th September 2008

Aaron Colgan’s Testimony of Salvation (21 mins)
Aaron Colgan relates the story of how God saved him as a teenager back in the 1980’s. Though brought up hearing the Word of God, Aaron rebelled against the gospel and took up with the pleasures of the world, living for a number of years with no thought about his soul’s salvation. But God spoke to him once more and brought him to faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Readings: Eph 2:8-9, Rev 21:7 (Testimony given Saturday 30th…
Gospel Tent ’08: “Remember” and “The Coming of the Lord” (35 mins)
John Stubbs preaches on three mentions of the word ‘remember’ in Luke’s Gospel. Aaron Colgan closes with a challenge to be ready for the coming of the Lord (Gospel messages preached Tuesday 26th August 2008)
Gospel Tent ’08: “Three Truths” and “Three Meetings” (44 mins)
Aaron Colgan preaches on three essential truths you need to know, and John Stubbs continues with “a meeting in hell” and three other “meetings”. (Gospel messages preached Monday 25th August 2008)
Gospel Tent ’08: “Spiders Web” and “Sickness of Sin”
John Stubbs preaches on “trusting in a spider’s web”, and Aaron Colgan follows with a word on the sickness of sin and its remedy (Gospel messages preached Friday 22nd August 2008)
Gospel Tent ’08: “Gospel of John” and “Look unto me” (52 mins)
John Stubbs preaches on words of solemnity, security, simplicity and sufficiency from John’s gospel, and Aaron Colgan closes with “Look unto Me and be ye saved” (Gospel messages preached Saturday 16th August 2008)
Gospel Tent ’08: “Hebrews 9:27” and “The Gospel of God” (50 mins)
John Stubbs preaches on 4 facts from Hebrews 9:27-28. Aaron Colgan follows with an outline of the ‘gospel of God’ from Romans chapter 1 (Gospel messages preached Monday 11th August 2008)