Sermons from 2008 (Page 3)

Robert Armstrong’s Testimony of Salvation (30 mins)
Robert Armstrong, missionary to Tanzania, relates the touching story of his father’s conversion under the preaching of the well-known Irish evangelist Frank Knox. H-A-T-H spells hath, everlasting life (Message preached 6th July 2008)
The Cross (40 mins)
THE CROSS & REDEMPTION – Joshua Jacob preaches on the twin subjects of the cross and redemption. He explains that our ransom was paid to God, not to Satan and outlines the why, the work and the way of the cross (Message preached 3rd July 2008)
Gospel Hymn Singing (63 mins)
63 minutes of gospel hymns from gospel meetings in 2007-08. Includes “It’s All Taken Away”, “Christ Is The Saviour of Sinners”, “Come Every Soul By Sin Oppressed”, “Down From The Glory”, “Down From The Splendour of His Everlasting Throne”, “Give me a Sight O Saviour”, “Jesus Dying on the Tree”, “Jesus My Saviour to Bethlehem Came”, “O Sweet is the Story of Jesus”, “On Calvary’s Brow”, “Our Sins on Christ Were Laid”, “The Lamb of God for Sinners Died”, “There…
Salvation (55 mins)
FAITH & SALVATION – Walter Boyd preaches on the subjects of faith and salvation. He explains that salvation has a past, present and future aspect and reveals nine blessings that came to us the moment we were saved (Message preached 26th June 2008)

Scott Dunn’s Testimony of Salvation (21 mins)
Scott Dunn relates how he was saved in Brisbane, Australia, at the age of 15 and how the very same night another soul was saved after hearing of Scott’s salvation (Message preached 22nd June 2008)
Heaven and Hell (31 mins)
HEAVEN & HELL – Kevin Oh preaches on the doctrine of the afterlife under the headings of Region, Reality, Recompense, Rejection and Relevance. An excellent, clear exposition of the subject (Message preached 19th June 2008)

Michael Browne’s Testimony of Salvation (36 mins)
Growing up in a slum in Bristol during WW2 in a drunkard’s home, Michael Browne (1930-2016) joined the British Army and became a Royal Marine Commando. A careless and self confident young man, he saw action in the jungles of Malaya in the Far East. To Michael Browne, a Friday night was the chance to watch a film, get drunk and have a fight. On one such night in Hong Kong in 1951, Michael Browne had an encounter with the living…
Repentance (41 mins)
REPENTANCE – Michael Browne preaches on the vital doctrine of repentance. He contends there is no salvation without it. He defines the meaning and relevance of this subject in today’s evangelism (Message preached 12th June 2008)

Peter Glenn’s Testimony of Salvation (20 mins)
Peter Glenn, an Oxford University computer engineering student who was with us for 4 years from 2004-08, tells his testimony of conversion as a boy of 11 (Message preached 18th May 2008)
How to Conduct a Series of Gospel Meetings (34 mins)
Murray McCandless teaches on how to conduct an effective series of gospel meetings, known to some as a ‘gospel campaign’. This is a very important message, well worth 34 minutes of your time (Message preached 4th May 2008)
Remember Lot’s Wife (37 mins)
GOSPEL MEETINGS 2008 – Murray McCandless preaches a message of warning from the words of Christ – “Remember Lot’s wife”, pointing out her life, her look and her loss (Message preached Wednesday April 30th 2008)
The Forgiveness of Sins (37 mins)
GOSPEL MEETINGS 2008 – Murray McCandless preaches an incisive, direct and simple message on the forgiveness of sins (Message preached Monday April 28th 2008)
How to Do Door to Door Evangelism (22 mins)
Murray McCandless explains how to effectively reach people with the gospel in their own homes. This neglected but Biblical task (Acts 20:20) has been greatly used of God over the centuries and remains an effective and direct method of gospel labour. Learn from an experienced evangelist with a lifetime of work in this area (Message preached 27th April 2008)

Ken Fillis’ Testimony of Salvation (17 mins)
Ken Fillis was a policeman in the RUC during the troubles in Northern Ireland in the 1970s and 80s. God preserved him through it all and finally saved him in the year 2,000, when in his 40’s, during a series of gospel meetings in Coleraine with Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk. The question that God used to get his attention? “Kenneth, give me one good reason why you are not saved”! A touching story. (Message preached in Bicester, Sunday 27th April 2008)
What it means to be a Christian (40 mins)
GOSPEL MEETINGS 2008 – Murray McCandless preaches a plain and simple gospel message on “What it means to be a Christian” (Message preached Thursday April 24th 2008)