Sermons from 2010

Bill Dornan’s Testimony of Salvation (20 mins)

Bill Dornan left Ireland in 1954. Coming to Coventry in England, he soon developed a taste for drink. He lived without God and wasted his life, until one day he committed a serious crime and faced the possibility of 20 years behind bars. But, at the age of 60, on 21st September 1993, he was saved through the preaching of the gospel, the night before he was due to be sentenced. Bill lived to prove the reality of God’s salvation…

Part 6 – The Believer and Failure (41 mins)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and failure”. He describes the four main failures of Jacob…personal, public, as a parent and as a partner, and exhorts his audience to repentance and recovery (Message preached 21st Oct 2010)

Part 4 – The Believer and Faith (43 mins)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and faith” from Mark 13:28-44. He presses the need for intellectual, emotional and bodily loyalty to the Lord in the face of the world’s attack on our faith (Message preached 19th Oct 2010)

Part 3 – The Believer and Foes (46 mins)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and foes”. He expounds on the three enemies we face – the world, the flesh and the devil – from James Ch. 4. An excellent word of ministry (Message preached 18th Oct 2010)

Part 2 – The Believer and Food (28 mins)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and food”. He outlines, from 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2, the characteristics of the word of God and how the believer can best read, study, meditate on and enjoy it (Message preached 17th Oct 2010)

The Forgiveness of Sins (34 mins)

GOSPEL – Sandy Higgins preaches on the fact and the forgiveness of sins, using Ephesians 1:7 as his text – “In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” (Message preached Sunday 17th Oct 2010)

Part 1 – The Believer and Fellowship (42 mins)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and fellowship”. He stresses the need to be like John the apostle – to relish nearness to Christ and to enjoy the rest, refuge, revelation and refreshment it brings (Message preached 16th Oct 2010)

Frank Sona’s Testimony of Salvation (25 mins)

Frank Sona didn’t grow up in a Christian family. Being born and raised in a Jewish area of the state of New Jersey, USA, Frank developed a childhood fascination with Judaism and sometimes attended the local synagogue. Frank’s parents decided to take him to Sunday School where he finally heard about the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time. During a special week of children’s meetings Frank discovered his need of salvation – “my sin became real to me” –…

Marvin Derksen’s Testimony of Salvation (34 mins)

Marvin Derksen relates the thrilling and absorbing story of his religious upbringing in the Mennonite church and how he was saved after a long struggle with self-righteousness. Born in Ontario, Canada, Marvin grew up to go to church, read the Bible at home, and give thanks for his food. He made a commitment, got baptised, joined his church, took communion, sang in the choir, and engaged in “church work”, but he knew nothing of God’s salvation. Then in 1967, Marvin’s…