Sermons from 2010 (Page 3)
2010 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (Part 1/3)
PART 1 – 2010 Easter Conference Hymn Singing (31 mins): “The Lord’s Our Rock in Him We Hide”, “To God Be The Glory”, “There’s A Call Comes Ringing”, “Sowing the Seed by the Daylight Fair”, “Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus”, “I Stand Amazed in the Presence”, “Whoever Receiveth the Crucified One”, “And Can it Be That I Should Gain”, “Nought Have I Gotten But What I Received”, “Far, Far Away In Heathen Darkness Dwelling”, “I am Thine O Lord”…
The Power of Memorized Scripture
Easter Conference 2010 – John Dennison preaches on the temptation of Christ in the wilderness and, based on how the Lord quoted Deuteronomy three times from memory, prefixed by “It is written”, urges his audience to memorize scripture, to be able to withstand the temptations of Satan with the same rebuke. A challenging message. (Preached: 4th April 2010)
A Meditation on Christ’s Miracles
Easter Conference 2010 – Malcolm Radcliffe preaches on the dispensational, practical and evangelistic lessons to be drawn from the unique intertwined narratives of the raising of Jairus’s daughter and the healing of the woman with the issue of blood. (Preached: 4th April 2010)

John Dennison: My Conversion and Call (42 mins)
John Dennison (Phoenix, USA), relates the story of his conversion to Christ. As a child he attended the Stark Road Gospel Hall in Livonia, Michigan where he heard the gospel and was born again. Baptised there and received into fellowship, the way opened up for service in the gospel as a young man and John was eventually called by the Lord into full-time service for the Lord, a call that took him and his family to Mexico to preach the…
Peter and Christ
Easter Conference 2010 – Speaking from Luke Ch. 5, Malcolm Radcliffe preaches on how Peter lent to Christ, limited Christ, learned of Christ and left all for Christ. He contrasted the letting down of the net with that of the paralyzed man. (Preached: 3rd April 2010)
Meditating on the Word of God
Easter Conference 2010 – John Dennison preaches a powerful message on “a holy man and a holy book” from Psalm 1. He issues his audience with a challenge to become men and women who meditate on the word of God. (Preached: 1st April 2010)
Gospel Meetings ’10: “He Saved Others” (45 mins)
GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches on Matt 27:42 and the three words “He saved others”. He demonstrates that this statement is on the one hand a glorious fact, but if you don’t get saved, could be an eternal expression of regret (Message preached 5th Mar 2010 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’10: “Almost Persuaded” (47 mins)
GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches a stirring message on the text Acts 26:28, “Almost persuaded to be a Christian”. He explains the tragic fact that it is possible to ‘believe’ the whole Bible yet still be lost and go to hell (Message preached 4th Mar 2010 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’10: “Look unto me and be ye saved” (48 mins)
GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches on the text, Isaiah 45:22, and relates the story of Charles Spurgeon’s conversion through this verse. He urges his audience to look to the one and only Saviour, the Lord Jesus (Message preached 2nd Mar 2010 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’10: “By Grace ye are saved” (50 mins)
GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches on the text – Eph 2:8-9 – His points were: 1. You can be saved 2. You can know you are saved 3. You weren’t born saved, and 4. You don’t deserve to be saved (Message preached 28th Feb 2010 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’10: “What must I do to be saved?” (49 mins)
GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches on the text – Acts 16:30-31 – “What must I do to be saved?” He makes an earnest appeal to his audience, asking “What will it take for you to be saved?” Indeed, what will it take? (Message preached 27th Feb 2010 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’10: “Enter in at the strait gate” (47 mins)
GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches on the text – Matt 7:13 – “Enter in at the strait gate”. A searching message on eternity, and the broad and narrow way. Which road are you on? (Message preached 23rd Feb 2010 in Ambrosden Village Hall)
Gospel Meetings ’10: “He that believeth HATH” (48 mins)
GOSPEL – Ian Jackson preaches on the text – John 3:36 – and the contrast “believeth” or “believeth not”? A challenging message that urges sinners to face up to where they stand. Where do you stand? (Message preached 21st Feb 2010)
The Eternality and Immutability of God (45 mins)
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Part 6 – Josh Jacob preaches a stirring message on the eternality and immutability of God. Starting at Gen 1:1, he speaks of God presented, powerful, purposeful and personal (Message preached 18th Feb 2010)
The Unity, Tri-unity, Perfection and Beauty of God (32 mins)
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Part 5 – Kevin Oh preaches on the unity, tri-unity, beauty and perfection of God and challenges his audience to reflect that beauty and perfection in their everyday lives (Message preached 11th Feb 2010)