Sermons from 2011
Hymn Singing – October 2011 (44 mins)
44 minutes of hymn singing from a ministry weekend in 2011. Includes “The Night is Wearing Fast Away”, “Come Ye That Love the Lord”, “He Leadeth Me”, “Master Speak Thy Servant Heareth”, “Outside the Camp”, “Trust and Obey”, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, “Something for Thee”, “What Was It O Our God?”, “On That Most Holy Morn”, “The Lamb of God to Slaughter Led”, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”, “How Great Thou Art”, “Amazing Grace”, “Up From…

Terry Halpin’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)
Terry Halpin, from London, tells how God saved him from a life of atheism and drugs through a remarkable set of circumstances. Setting out to disprove Christianity wrong, Terry actually found himself unable to refute the truth and instead realised he was a sinner in need of God’s salvation (Testimony given Sept 14th 2011)

Terry Topley’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)
Terry Topley was born in 1961 in Co Down, Northern Ireland. As a child he had ambitions to become a Priest. Faithful to the Mass and Confession, Terry believed in the sacraments and all his church taught him. When “the troubles” began in 1969 his life was threatened and he had to move house. In his new location he got to know a Christian lady whose life and testimony made a deep impression on him. She shared the gospel with…
Gospel Tent ’11: “What is Man” and “The Philippian Jailor” (51 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2011 – Dan Gillies preaches on the question “What is man?” (Psalm 8) and finds him to be small, special, sinful, yet save-able. Terry Topley closes with a powerful warning to sinners to awake and repent, and not to tempt God to intervene with an earthquake (Messages preached 24th Aug 2011)
Gospel Tent ’11: “Himself for Me” and “The Harvest is Past” (54 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2011 – Terry Topley preaches a touching message on “the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me”. Dan Gillies follows with a solemn warning of lost time, lost opportunity and lost hope from Jer 17:9 (Messages preached 23rd Aug 2011)
Gospel Tent ’11: “Two Gardens” and “Three Swords” (42 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2011 – Dan Gillies preaches on a garden of tragedy (Eden) and a garden of triumph (the resurrection garden). Terry Topley closes with a stirring message on three swords: the swords of government, grace and goodness, from Gen 3, Zech 13 and Isa 1 (Messages preached 22nd Aug 2011)
Gospel Tent ’11: Dan Gillies’ Testimony of Salvation and “The Love of God” (46 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2011 – Dan Gillies tells his very interesting testimony of salvation as a young Glaswegian in his twenties, and Terry Topley follows with a stirring message on the love of God for guilty undeserving sinners from John 3:16 (Messages preached 17th Aug 2011)
Gospel Tent ’11: “John 3:16” and “Transactions” (44 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2011 – Terry Topley preaches on the background, beauty and blessing of John 3:16. Dan Gillies preaches on 3 transactions – the birthright for the mess of pottage, 30 pieces of silver for Christ, and “Himself for Me” (Messages preached 16th Aug 2011)

Stan Burditt’s Testimony of Salvation (44 mins)
Stan Burditt, who often visited us in Hebron Gospel Hall over many years, tells on this recording the remarkable story of his and his wife’s conversion to Christ while in the Royal Air Force, back in the 1950’s. Another young man, saved at the same time, Colin Stewart by name, later became an overseer in Hebron Gospel Hall and shepherded the assembly here for a generation. Stan’s is a most interesting and quite amazing story that powerfully illustrates the power…
The Discipline within Marriage (41 mins)
Steve Buckeridge preaches on the godly disciplines of courtship and marriage in connection with caring, commitment, child rearing, conflict resolution, finance and godliness (Message preached 14th July 2011)