Sermons from July 2011

Stan Burditt’s Testimony of Salvation (44 mins)

Stan Burditt, who often visited us in Hebron Gospel Hall over many years, tells on this recording the remarkable story of his and his wife’s conversion to Christ while in the Royal Air Force, back in the 1950’s. Another young man, saved at the same time, Colin Stewart by name, later became an overseer in Hebron Gospel Hall and shepherded the assembly here for a generation. Stan’s is a most interesting and quite amazing story that powerfully illustrates the power…

The Lily on the Mountain (47 mins)

Robert Plant introduces the Messianic Psalms, before preaching through the glorious Psalm 45, the Maschil Psalm of the lily on the mountain. He draws out the various Messianic themes in this glorious Psalm about our glorious King, the Lord Jesus Christ (Message preached in Bicester in 2011).

The Disciplines of the Local Assembly (28 mins)

Kevin Oh preaches from Acts 2, 5 and 11 on the godly disciplines involved in being in assembly fellowship; faithfulness to the scriptures, fellowship with the saints, fear in the soul and fidelity to the Saviour (Message preached 7th July 2011)