Sermons from September 2011

Sermons from September 2011

The Action Sermons of Jeremiah (45 mins)

Nitish Patel preaches on the “action sermons of Jeremiah”. A refreshing word of ministry on a neglected portion of scripture, which includes exhortations concerning the gospel message and practical Christian living and testimony (Message preached 22nd Sept 2011)

Terry Halpin’s Testimony of Salvation (40 mins)

Terry Halpin, from London, tells how God saved him from a life of atheism and drugs through a remarkable set of circumstances. Setting out to disprove Christianity wrong, Terry actually found himself unable to refute the truth and instead realised he was a sinner in need of God’s salvation (Testimony given Sept 14th 2011)

Four Bible Widows (42 mins)

Alan Barber brings a devotional message about four of the Bible’s widows, whose service and character were precious to the Lord. The welcoming widow of Zarephath who looked after Elijah in 1 Kings 17; the witnessing widow, Anna the prophetess, in Luke 2; the weeping widow of Nain in Luke 7: and the worshipping widow of Mark 12 who gave all that she had. (Message preached September 2011)