Sermons from 2011 (Page 2)

The Lily on the Mountain (47 mins)

Robert Plant introduces the Messianic Psalms, before preaching through the glorious Psalm 45, the Maschil Psalm of the lily on the mountain. He draws out the various Messianic themes in this glorious Psalm about our glorious King, the Lord Jesus Christ (Message preached in Bicester in 2011).

The Disciplines of the Local Assembly (28 mins)

Kevin Oh preaches from Acts 2, 5 and 11 on the godly disciplines involved in being in assembly fellowship; faithfulness to the scriptures, fellowship with the saints, fear in the soul and fidelity to the Saviour (Message preached 7th July 2011)

The Discipline of the Mind (40 mins)

Simon Hall preaches on the godly discipline of the Christian mind from Ephesians 4. He speaks of the sinner’s mind, the saint’s mind and the Saviour’s mind, and emphasises the humility, purity and activity that should mark our minds (Messages preached 30th June 2011)

The Discipline of Fruit-Bearing (42 mins)

Gordon Stewart preaches on the godly discipline of fruit-bearing in the Christian life. John Ch 15 presents Christ as the Vine and believers as branches and describes ways in which the Lord designs to produce fruit, more fruit and much fruit for His glory (Message preached 23rd June 2011)

The Discipline of Discipleship (53 mins)

John Salisbury preaches on the godly discipline of discipleship and brings to bear the very challenging issue of self-denial, which the Lord Jesus puts at the heart of “following Me” (Message preached 16th June 2011)

The Discipline of Work (42 mins)

David Dalton preaches on the godly discipline of work. He highlights the responsibilities of the Christian in the workplace and in the duties of the servant-master sphere (Message preached 9th June 2011)

The Discipline of Giving (45 mins)

Norman Mellish preaches on the discipline of giving, highlighting that the giving of believers should be systematic, secret, proportionate, sacrificial and cheerful. He brings out numerous helpful and practical lessons from Exodus 34 (Message preached 2nd June 2011)

The Discipline of Parenting (56 mins)

Marcus Hall delivers a helpful message on the discipline of godly parenting. He takes examples from Old and New Testaments and gives wise advice to parents and grandparents on the vital subject of raising children (Message preached 26th May 2011)

Part 5 – The New Covenant (61 mins)

THE NEW COVENANT – David Gilliland preaches on the need for a new covenant – to touch what none of the previous covenants touched – the heart of man! He explains what relationship the church has to the New Covenant. Finally, he explains how all the covenants dovetail together to guarantee the seed, the land and the blessing through Christ (Message preached 20th May 2011)

Part 4 – The Davidic Covenant (54 mins)

DAVIDIC COVENANT – David Gilliland outlines how that God, having guaranteed the realm, the race and the righteousness of the future creation through the first three covenants, now guarantees the future Ruler – Christ, the son of David – through the Davidic covenant (Message preached 19th May 2011)

Part 3 – The Mosaic Covenant (49 mins)

MOSAIC COVENANT – David Gilliland explains the format, formalization, function and fragility of the covenant made at Sinai with Israel. He helpfully differentiates between a one way “royal grant” covenant (Abrahamic) and a two way “suzerainty covenant” (Mosaic) (Message preached 18th May 2011)

Part 2 – The Abrahamic Covenant (64 mins)

ABRAHAMIC COVENANT – David Gilliland explains the various types of covenant in scripture (signature, salt, shoe and sacrifice). He then outlines the recipient, the revelation, the ratification, the realisation and the remembrance connected with the Abrahamic covenant. He calls the Abrahamic covenant the “biggest covenant in history” (Message preached 17th May 2011)

Part 1 – The Noahic Covenant (55 mins)

INTRODUCTION & NOAHIC COVENANT – David Gilliland gives an introduction to the subject of the 5 divine covenants of scripture, which he calls “stepping stones along God’s path through history in His programme of restoring a fallen creation”. He then examines the first – the Noahic – and explains its purpose, promises, prohibitions and permanence (Message preached 16th May 2011)

Ho! Everyone that Thirsteth (46 mins)

David Gilliland preaches on the gospel sound, settlement, supper, sureness and season, from Isaiah 55. He announces the free offer of salvation in the words of the prophet: “Ho, everyone that thirsteth…come, buy…without money and without price” (Message preached 15th May 2011)