Sermons from February 2016

Sermons from February 2016

David Montgomery’s Testimony of Salvation (33 mins)

David Montgomery relates the story of how he was saved while studying at Warwick University in the UK. David was brought up in ceremonial Christianity (christening, confirmation, communion etc.), but was ignorant of the gospel of the grace of God. However, he did know he was a guilty sinner, and the first time he heard the gospel message at University he “asked Christ into his life”, thereafter coming to an understanding that his confidence is in Christ alone for salvation,…

Honouring Your Master (37 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “honouring your master” and looks at the very practical subject of “the Christian in the workplace”. What kind of career should a Christian take up? How can a Christian have a good testimony at work? What temptations are there in the work place? How should a Christian act in relation to Trade Unions, Christmas parties, and other issues of conscience? A helpful and wide-ranging message (Message preached 28th Feb 2016)

An Overview of John’s Gospel (46 mins)

Gordon Stewart gives an overview of the gospel of John. He highlights John’s content, context and purpose as he sets out the themes and format of the 4th gospel. He speaks of Christ as the soul winner (Chs 1-4), the Shepherd (Chs 5-12), the School teacher (Chs 13-17) and the Sacrifice (Chs 18-21) before rounding off his message with a look at the glory of Christ in the gospel (Message preached 25th Feb 2016)

Fatherhood – A Leader in the Home (38 mins)

Gary Woods speaks on the role of a father as outlined in various Bible passages, notably 1 Timothy Ch 3. Much profitable and practical teaching is given relative to leadership, love and the challenge of balancing home, assembly and work life. Wisdom is needed in rearing a family for God especially with the financial, social and technological pressures of the 21st Century Western world (Message preached 14th Feb 2016)

An Overview of the Book of Zechariah (49 mins)

Gary Woods gives an overview of the book of Zechariah. He gives the setting and context of the book, outlines the main characters of the time period (Haggai, Zechariah, Zerubbabel and Joshua) and touches on the 8 visions in the prophecy. The Christological references in the “branch” prophecies of 3:8 and 6:12 are developed, as well as the important prophetic passages in Chs 12-14 which are looked at from a dispensational viewpoint (Message preached 11th Feb 2016)

The Christian Wife (37 mins)

Daniel Rudge speaks on “the Christian wife”. Under the headings of her dignity, duty, disposition, dress and devotion, Daniel gives a balanced and comprehensive look at the character and role of Christian woman within marriage. He explains the scriptural meaning of equality, submission and virtue, and addresses pertinent points relative to how modern culture throws up challenges for the married Christian woman (Message preached 7th Feb 2016)

An Overview of the Book of Joel (47 mins)

John Salisbury gives an overview of the book of Joel. A much neglected but important book, Joel is the first Bible writer to mention “the day of the Lord”. He is the first of the “writing prophets” and the first writer to outline the end of the age and the Millennial Kingdom. This is a thorough, detailed and comprehensive look at Joel’s prophecy and its five sections. 46 min