Sermons from July 2016

The Christian’s Three Enemies

PART 2 – Know your enemy! It is essential that the Christian be aware of the direction from which dangers and attacks will come along life’s journey to heaven. Peter Scarsbrook explains that the Bible reveals three enemies – “the world”, “the flesh” and “the Devil”. Learn what the Bible has to say about conflict with these adversaries and how to overcome in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Peter outlines the armour of the Christian from Ephesians Chapter…

The Blessings of Salvation

PART 1 – What happened when you got saved? Peter Scarsbrook preaches on five of the blessings that became true of you the moment you were saved. 1) You became eternally secure, 2) You were indwelt by the Holy Spirit, 3) You became part of the church which is His body, 4) You joined the family of God and 5) Your nationality changed as you became a citizen of heaven. This is a beginner’s guide to the blessings of salvation,…

Gospel Tent ’16: “Three Voices” and “Heaven or Hell” (48 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2016 – Frank Sona preaches on three voices. The voice of creation (Rom 8:22), the voice of the law (Rom 3:19) and the voice of the blood of Christ (Heb 12:24-25), each of which have a notable message to tell us. Andrew Steele continues with a look at the narrative of “the unrepentant man in hell” from Luke Ch 16, and preaches a most solemn and heartfelt message of warning to his audience (Messages preached 11th July 2016)

Gospel Tent ’16: “Two Prayers” and “Three Things You Need” (50 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2016 – Frank Sona preaches on 2 Cor 9:15 (Thanks for God’s Son) and Luke 18:11-12 (Thanks for self). He shows the terrible hindrance that pride is to being saved. Andrew Steele speaks on “three things you need to be saved” from Luke 19. You need “haste”, “humility” and, most essentially you need “Him”, the Lord Jesus. (Messages preached 5th July 2016)

Gospel Tent ’16: “Three Nevers” and “Eternity” (45 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2016 – Frank Sona preaches on three mentions of the word “never” (Matt 27:14, John 10:28, Mk 9:43) and includes a solemn warning about hell fire, which will never be quenched. Andrew Steele continues with “a sinner leaving time for eternity”, and “a Saviour leaving eternity for time”, as “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (Messages preached 3rd July 2016)