Sermons from November 2016

Sermons from November 2016

The Glory of God – His Word (44 mins)

Gordon Stewart preaches on the glory of God in His Word, the Bible. He spends a good part of his time on the fundamental theme of the inspiration of Scripture and makes the case for the plenary, verbal, God-breathed nature of all 66 books of the Bible. He outlines further insights into the claims and themes of God’s inspired word and asserts its uniqueness in authority and power (Message preached 24th Nov 2016)

The Glory of God – His Son (46 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on the glory of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Working from Philippians 2:5-11, Mr Rudge outlines the glory of Christ’s substance, service, sacrifice and supremacy. The full deity of Christ, His eternal Sonship, His impeccability, His unlimited propitiation and the glory of His risen exalted position at God’s right hand are expounded and defended from this powerful Christological passage (Message preached 17th Nov 2016)

The Glory of God – His Creation (37 mins)

David West preaches on the glory of God in His creation. He takes a tour through Job Chapters 38-41 and surveys God’s three challenges to Job. 1). Can you explain My creation? 2). Can you oversee My creation? 3). Can you subdue My creation? The power, greatness, wisdom and providential care of God, which are manifested in creation, all speak of His glory. All of this is on display 24 hours a day! (Message preached 10th Nov 2016)