Sermons from June 2017

Gospel Tent ’17: C. H. Spurgeon: “Look and Live” (41 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on Isaiah 45:22. There’s a very helpful section in this message where Mr Higgins runs through typical objections to salvation and provides insightful Biblical answers. Mr Higgins uses the life story and conversion of C.H. Spurgeon as the springboard for this message.  (Message preached June 30th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: John and Betty Stam: Ambassadors for Christ (38 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on 2 Cor 5:20 – “We beseech you, as ambassadors for Christ, be ye reconciled to God”. He uses the life story and martyrdom of John and Betty Stam as the springboard for this message. Why did they go to China to preach the gospel? Ultimately because they loved Christ and valued the souls of the dying millions to whom they preached. Do you value your soul? (Message preached June 29th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Jim Elliot : God’s love for his enemies (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “God’s love for His enemies” from Rom 5:6-10. When Christ came to earth He was “hated without a cause”, rejected and slain. All of us, from birth, are at enmity with God due to the miserable and sinful state we find ourselves in by nature – a nature that manifests itself in wicked words, thoughts and deeds. Yet, God loved us even when we were enemies! Mr Higgins uses the story of Jim Elliot as the…

Gospel Tent ’17: Fanny J. Crosby: Words of a Wonderful Saviour (39 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the loving, living and lasting words of Christ – the wonderful Saviour. The words of Christ teach us what is of ultimate value, what is life’s ultimate peril, and provide – to those who rest on them by faith – ultimate assurance. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Fanny Crosby as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 26th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Henry Nott – John 3:16 (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on John 3:16. “God loved” – an incredible fact. “that He gave His only Son” – an incomparable act. “That whosoever believeth” – an intelligent act. “Has everlasting life” – an indisputable fact. Listen carefully as he explains how it is dangerously easy to turn “believing” into a “work” – a very common mistake made by people who have an intellectual grasp of the gospel only. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Henry Nott as the…

Gospel Tent ’17: Michael Faraday – Certainty in an Uncertain World (36 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the glorious certainties of the gospel. In a world where life is uncertain, the future is unforeseeable and nothing lasts, the gospel presents absolute unshakeable certainty. You can KNOW you are saved and bound for heaven, based on the work of Christ and the Word of God (the Bible). Christ’s atoning work was “for all sin”, “for all time” and “for me”. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Michael Faraday as the springboard for this…

Gospel Tent ’17: John Bunyan: Barriers and Burdens ( 37 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the barriers a sinner faces in coming to Christ (deterrents, despair, deception, death), and “the burdens that Calvary removes”. He uses the life story of John Bunyan and his book Pilgrim’s Progress as the springboard for this message. The challenge? “Will you leave your sin and go to heaven; or will you have your sin and go to hell?” (Message preached 23rd June 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Mary Slessor: How to become a child of God (36 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “how you can become a child of God”. Your starting point is to realise that you are both a “child of disobedience” and a “child of wrath” (Eph 2:1-3). Several common misunderstandings are cleared up in this very helpful message, as the way of salvation is spelt out in profound yet simple terms. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Mary Slessor as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 22nd 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: John Wesley: A Brand from the Burning (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches a soul-searching message based on an expression in the Bible (from Zech 3:2) which he applies to people who have been saved – they are “brands plucked from the burning”. Have you ever been saved from going to hell? Ending up in hell is a real danger, an imminent danger, an extreme danger and an irreversible danger. Mr Higgins uses the life story of John Wesley as the springboard for this message. (Messsage preached June 20th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Athanasius: One Son, One Sacrifice (36 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the uniqueness of Christ and the uniqueness of His death on behalf of sinners. Jesus Christ is a Sovereign who stands alone; and a Saviour who stood alone, when He bore the judgment of God against sin on the cross. He uses the life story of Athanasius as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 19th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: F.S. Arnot – Whosoever (36 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on 4 mentions of “whosoever” in the Bible. The whosoever that once meant me (John 8:34); the whosoever that would have been me (Rev 20:15); the whosoever that now means me (John 3:16), and the whosoever that still means you (Rev 22:17). He uses the life story of F.S. Arnot as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 18th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Isaac Watts – The Wondrous Cross (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches about the death of Christ at “the wondrous cross” – an event which provided both the greatest revelation of our ruin as sinners, and the strongest repudiation of our own righteous efforts to save ourselves. Why did Christ have to suffer and die if we could get to heaven by our own efforts? He uses the life story of Isaac Watts as the springboard for this message. (Message preached Jun 17th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Hugh Latimer – Believe in the Light ( 36 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “Christ as the light of the world” and urges his audience to “believe in the light” while they have the light (John 12:36). In a searching message Mr Higgins describes the light of God’s holiness exposing the corrupt heart of man, both in time and at the final judgment. He uses the life story of Hugh Latimer as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 16th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Robert Boyle – The Fear of God (35 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the “the fear of God” and relates it to the words of Amos 4:12 in the Bible, which says, “Prepare to meet thy God”. You must meet God, but you are not automatically “ready” for that meeting…and only Christ can make you ready! Mr Higgins uses the life story of Robert Boyle as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 15th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: J S Bach – Help for the Helpless (36 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the “helplessness of the sinner” – a Bible truth much neglected in the present day. Many who apparently acknowledge their “sinfulness” have never understood their helplessness, and thus do not know the saving power of Christ. Mr Higgins uses the life story of J.S. Bach as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 13th 2017)
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