Sermons from 2017 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2017 (Page 2)

Christ in the Gospel of Luke (48 mins)

Scott Dunn preaches on “Christ in the Gospel of Luke”. Acknowledging that most expositors see Luke as emphasising the humanity of Christ, Scott contends that Luke’s main emphasis is on Christ as “Saviour”. He traces this theme, and the theme of “the plan of salvation”, through the early chapters of Luke in particular (Message preached 21st Sept 2017)

Jochebed and Miriam (41 mins)

 Joshua Jacob preaches on Jochebed and Miriam – mother and daughter – from Exodus 2 and Hebrews 11. Jochebed was a godly mother, marked by foresight, fortitude, and fervour, and whose future was seen in the remarkable lives of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. From Jochebed lessons can be learned as to the care and skills needed to raise a family for God in a difficult day. Miriam is looked at as to her character, her choir and her chastening (Message…

Christ in the Gospel of Mark (48 mins)

Tom West preaches on “Christ in the Gospel of Mark”. He brings out the main characteristics of all 4 gospels and likens Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to the faces of the 4 living creatures in Revelation Ch 4. In Mark Christ is portrayed as the perfect Servant – delightful, devoted, discerning, not distracted but determined to do His Father’s will (Message preached 14th Sept 2017)

Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah (43 mins)

Norman Mellish preaches on the wives of the patriarchs and draws out practical lessons from each one. Sarah a woman of faith; Rebekah a woman of hope; Rachel a woman of love; Leah a woman of grace. Sarah – “taught by God”; Rebekah “sought by the servant”; Rachel “wrought for by Jacob”; Leah “fought for her family”. Mr Mellish lays emphasis on seeking the mind of God and becoming a child of destiny, as well as longing to produce children…

Christ in the Gospel of Matthew (44 mins)

John Salisbury gives an overview of the whole of the gospel of Matthew, in which Christ is portrayed as “King”. The King and His credentials, the King and His kingdom, and the King and His cross are the headings that divide the gospel into three sections. The three titles – “Son of David”, “Son of Abraham” and “Son of Man” – are highlighted and expounded. Plenty of material in this message and ample food for thought (Message preached 7th Sept…

Christ in Romans (43 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on “Christ in the epistle of Romans”. He highlights the 7 references to Christ as God’s “Son” in the epistle and develops the related themes of the person, proclamation, provision and purpose of the Son. In the second half of his message, he distinguishes between propitiation, redemption and justification and develops the theme of the believer’s death to sin in Chapter 6 (Message preached 5th Oct 2017)

Seongmin Jeon’s Testimony of Salvation (6 mins)

Though raised in a Christian family, the son of a Pastor, and a faithful tithe-paying member of a Presbyterian Church, Mr Seongmin Jeon did not know he needed to be saved if he was ever going to be in heaven. He learned his need, as a lost sinner, through the witness of his wife, and found salvation in Christ and assurance of salvation through Hebrews 9:12, a verse which speaks of eternal redemption obtained once for all by the Lord…

The Church at Philadelphia (39 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the church at Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13). This was the assembly that had a little strength, that “kept God’s word” and did not deny His name. To them was given the promise “I will keep thee from the hour of temptation”. They were an evangelistic assembly, before whom God has set an open door. Much can be learned from a study of this commendable company of the Lord’s people! (Message preached 23rd July 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Hudson Taylor: The Finished Work of Christ (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “the finished work of Christ”. That is to say, when the Lord Jesus died, He offered to God a full, final and faultless sacrifice for sins… and in so doing “finished the work” that His Father gave Him to do. Now salvation is available “without works” to the person who trusts in Christ. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Hudson Taylor as the springboard for this message. (Message preached July 2nd 2017)

William Tyndale – God’s Trustworthy Word (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “God’s faithful and trustworthy Word”, the Bible (Rev 22:6, 1 Tim 1:15). You can be sure of an eternal destiny in heaven by believing what God says in His word! Mr Higgins emphasises three characteristics of God’s trustworthy Word – its simplicity, its immediacy and its certainty. He uses the life story of William Tyndale as the springboard for this message. (Message preached July 1st 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: C. H. Spurgeon: “Look and Live” (41 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on Isaiah 45:22. There’s a very helpful section in this message where Mr Higgins runs through typical objections to salvation and provides insightful Biblical answers. Mr Higgins uses the life story and conversion of C.H. Spurgeon as the springboard for this message.  (Message preached June 30th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: John and Betty Stam: Ambassadors for Christ (38 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on 2 Cor 5:20 – “We beseech you, as ambassadors for Christ, be ye reconciled to God”. He uses the life story and martyrdom of John and Betty Stam as the springboard for this message. Why did they go to China to preach the gospel? Ultimately because they loved Christ and valued the souls of the dying millions to whom they preached. Do you value your soul? (Message preached June 29th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Jim Elliot : God’s love for his enemies (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “God’s love for His enemies” from Rom 5:6-10. When Christ came to earth He was “hated without a cause”, rejected and slain. All of us, from birth, are at enmity with God due to the miserable and sinful state we find ourselves in by nature – a nature that manifests itself in wicked words, thoughts and deeds. Yet, God loved us even when we were enemies! Mr Higgins uses the story of Jim Elliot as the…

Gospel Tent ’17: Fanny J. Crosby: Words of a Wonderful Saviour (39 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the loving, living and lasting words of Christ – the wonderful Saviour. The words of Christ teach us what is of ultimate value, what is life’s ultimate peril, and provide – to those who rest on them by faith – ultimate assurance. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Fanny Crosby as the springboard for this message. (Message preached June 26th 2017)

Gospel Tent ’17: Henry Nott – John 3:16 (40 mins)

Eugene Higgins preaches on John 3:16. “God loved” – an incredible fact. “that He gave His only Son” – an incomparable act. “That whosoever believeth” – an intelligent act. “Has everlasting life” – an indisputable fact. Listen carefully as he explains how it is dangerously easy to turn “believing” into a “work” – a very common mistake made by people who have an intellectual grasp of the gospel only. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Henry Nott as the…