Sermons from January 2018

Sermons from January 2018

Preservation and Transmission (42 mins)

Josh Jacob traces the chain of movement from God to man – revelation, inspiration, inscripturation, preservation, transmission, canonisation and translation. Then he homes in on how the originals have been preserved. He compares the number, accuracy and dates of hand-written Greek and Hebrew Bible manuscripts with what is available for other ancient works of literature, and finds the Bible to be the best attested ancient book in the history of mankind (Message preached 28th Jan 2018)

Inspiration and Inscripturation (38 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook expounds the truth of the “inspiration of Scripture”, basing his remarks on the two relevant and crucial New Testament passages – 2 Tim 3:15-17 and 2 Pet 1:19-21. What is “inspiration”? Are the actual words inspired, or just the thoughts and ideas they embody? These and other questions are examined as Peter defends with verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible (Message preached 21st Jan 2018)

Christ our Great High Priest (49 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the topic of Christ as our Great High Priest under 6 headings: the office, the order, the oath, the offerer, the offering and the outcome. Basing his remarks on the epistle to the Hebrews, Jonathan explains that Christ is priest “after the pattern of Aaron” and after “the order of Melchizedek”. Christ’s death was a priestly offering, offered by our Great High Priest, once for all, in the completed value of which He entered once into…